Example sentences of "[noun] which you [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ’ … in the meantime I would just like to explain the untimely interruption which you heard a few minutes ago .
2 This kids ' book has an electronic strip down the side which you touch to get 10 different sounds that go with the story .
3 There was a card which you received from the er clerk at the desk , they were introduced , the clerks were introduced in order to note everybody 's time .
4 Upon production of your free club card which you receive on arrival ( do n't forget to bring a passport size photo with you ! ) there are windsurfing boards and canoes .
5 Also the methods which you have suggested are known to us .
6 However , vibration of sounds at 800 cycles per second and below is the limit of information , the vibrator picks up unwanted sounds which may drown the signals which you want to receive .
7 It was in London that you could live anonymously , could create your own ambience , could deliberately fabricate the persona which you chose to present to the world .
8 If then you have invited the artists of Europe to send in plans for a Plan which we have no intention of executing , two questions will arise — the first is who will pay the Premiums which you propose to offer for these Plans , seeing that we could hardly propose to Parliament to vote Premiums for Plans that are not to be executed , and secondly whether the Artists of Europe will not think that they have been trifled with in being asked to send in Plans for an undertaking which the Govt had on consideration determined not to attempt .
9 We 've got the E A L ones like seal which you said
10 I 'm not leaving you on the Moor by — yourself , so make up your mind which you prefer . "
11 The next stage is to jot down every idea or word which comes into your mind which you associate with it .
12 Tell me something about your urinal which you sent to the Independents Exhibition , signed R. Mutt ?
13 There 's a rotary chin switch which you depress to activate an amplifier that lets us talk , visor to visor .
14 It was something he found hard to understand , though of course it must be accepted , this escape of children from the parental bonds so that they could have secrets from you and hiding places you could n't penetrate , that they were adults and possessed houses and cars which you had no hand in choosing or buying , that they could lock up those houses as they locked up their thoughts .
15 Always summarize the concessions which you have agreed to make during the bargaining process but omit to mention those offered by the other party .
16 ‘ Well , put it this way , you claim to be able to derive information from internal visual images which you believe to directly correspond to the phenomenal world . ’
17 Have well considered questions ready for both types of interview which you ask in a logical sequence .
18 This is a peculiarly steep region , so much so in fact that the snow finds it more than usually difficult to stay where it has fallen ; there have been some sadly famous avalanches near Luz , the hamlets of Chéze and Saligos which you pass as you come in from the north both having been smothered and destroyed in their time .
19 Writing the words in your book provides you with a ready-made store of words which you know your pupils have difficulty with , and from which you can construct a teaching programme .
20 You can , for example , create exercises on only the 500 most frequent words , or those words which you have put into your ‘ Unit 15 sluice ’ or your ‘ Banking sluice ’ .
21 The last two subjects are what they call core subjects which you have to take .
22 Do some of the pictures which you think are crucial to understanding get rejected ?
23 This depends on many factors but three in particular will influence feelings of wanting to get as much as possible out of the coaching opportunities which you provide :
24 I 'm quite convinced that that the A sixty four corridor north east of York would fulfil the criterion which you refer to and and I think that in general all the sectors score reasonably well against this against this particular criterion .
25 But yo the figure the the figure which you mentioned Yeah .
26 Note that the user can only be given privileges which you possess ( or a subset thereof ) .
27 Erm Mr Steel 's quite correct , in determining the appropriate level of provision for Richmondshire and other districts , we I essentially followed the the course of action which you 've outlined in the background papers .
28 I received with much pleasure the token of your friendship which you have sent me this morning in the way of [ a ] dram Bottle and shall treasure it up until I reach the wilds of the beautiful country I anticipate so much pleasure in exploring .
29 At once you will have indulgence for all the sins which you confess with a contrite heart .
30 If you only make one claim in any period of insurance any no claim bonus which you have earned may be reduced at your next renewal , as follows :
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