Example sentences of "[noun] which [is] like " in BNC.

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1 They feel he is on their side which is like a breath of fresh air in this game for most of us have known to our cost that there are many jockeys who do n't always give their 100pc — especially when our money is down .
2 My Fender now is comfortable for me because it 's the bass I started out with , and I 'm used to that neck width which is like a tree trunk .
3 Well it 's actually just basically the team it 's a new position that they 've actually made within each team now , within each division which is like , you 're dealing with higher accounts but a different type of account as well .
4 Wheeziness which is like this and is worse ( < ) damp weather , better ( > ) sitting up and for fresh air .
5 But the concept of pain which I have acquired in this way is such as to be applicable to others , by simply supposing that they have a sensation which is like the one I have ( Mill : ‘ by supposing the link to be of the same nature ’ ) .
6 You 're saying in charge is sort of like , I am in charge which is like this .
7 There 's an Englishness about us , but there 's also so much about us which is American , like the haircuts and some of the clothes and the organ which is like Texas garage music .
8 They will be able to have a voice in choosing the chairman of the European commission which is like a Euro quango in a way so I do see a parallel which I want to put to you that we are remedying the democratic deficit in Europe with that giant Euro quango in the same way that we would like to remedy the democratic deficit with respect to the proliferation of quangos in Wales .
9 There is also a microfiche catalogue which is like a miniature card catalogue which you may need some help with and the computer catalogue which you will definitely need some help with .
10 If you 've got a hole which is like that
11 So is it almost like this thing which is like by by chance ?
12 Byrne move from Bohs ( my team ) to Rovers durning the summer which is like moving from Elland Road to the scum .
13 at the minute , because they 've got there the Hussy End which is like the number one , that 's better than the Stringfellow 's apparently , Hussy End are in Manchester thirty quid to get in
14 This feeling of the sound of the sea which is like the sound when a sea shell is placed to the ear , is experienced by many people in meditation .
15 I mean personally I think one of the difficulties in the colleges is that they do still have a sense of being at schools , and when you have an atmosphere which is like school you 're tacitly given people permission to act as if they were at school , and so we have a and that activity may not always be very adult , so we have to find a way of changing the environment of the colleges .
16 Town and Travel , and she got the presidential suite at the Burlington which is like a , you know , I mean , erm , it 's absolutely gorgeous !
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