Example sentences of "[noun] which [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 with unusual curtness and drove off at a speed which suggested that Darren was about to enjoy a gratifyingly exciting ride .
2 THE plasma precipitating into the Earth 's dayside auroral atmosphere has characteristics which show that it originates from the shocked solar-wind plasma of the magnetosheath .
3 Both these figures are below national guidelines which recommend that 90% of all calls should be answered in that time .
4 One Latin American country drew up guidelines which specified that torturers must be able to control themselves ; must go as far as is necessary and no further ; and must have goals that are both important and impersonal .
5 Two muscular and sinewy songs which prove that Wilder may just have something special after all .
6 Innovation is discouraged ; there is a school of management thinking which believes that too much bureaucracy represses creativity and initiative in moulding organisation man .
7 The other predicates which we use to describe the game are empty(x) which signifies that the square x is empty ; filled ( x , C ) where x is a square and C is a player ; to-move(C) which is true if it is C's turn to play ; win(C) which is short for the formula
8 Characteristic of Hinduism , we are often told , is the sort of analogy which suggests that God permeates the world in the way that salt permeates water when mixed with it ( this comparison appears in The Upanishads , a series of early Hindu sacred texts ) .
9 There are , however , a number of considerations which suggest that the economists who criticised the industry exaggerated their case .
10 The government is entrusted with the task of protecting the lives , liberties and properties of the individual members of the body politic and there is a reading of Locke which I questioned last Tuesday which says that that is all a government can do .
11 Nevertheless , the fact that the youth problem was being redefined in the early 1900s , led to the advocacy of new remedies which meant that the voluntary sector found itself regarded as only one part of the solution , rather than the whole solution .
12 That absurd prejudice which implied that a girl lacked authority for a news programme was reluctant to go away .
13 The government 's subsequent decision to acquire the disputed site to build two shrines was attacked by Moslem organizations which claimed that such a decision pre-empted the status of the site , and by Hindu groups which threatened to block plans to reconstruct a mosque .
14 It was an episode which showed that the conviction of the virtuous power of public opinion had become firmly fixed in the antislavery movement and it provided the source of growing unease about the African Institution by the early 1820s .
15 By that time , we want to see a future which demonstrates that nuclear power can be produced safely and economically .
16 These last two factors introduce an element of randomness which means that a predictive theory would probably be impossible to construct , assuming that was what one wanted to do .
17 Generic technologies are characterised by a breadth of long term potential applications and impacts which require that they be recognised as fundamental elements in thinking about and planning the long term socioeconomic future .
18 The Partnership accepted the task as a priority for the school and helped develop and deliver a programme which ensured that all students received thorough preparation , had an appropriate placement , and participated in a thorough de-briefing , thus providing a QUALITY work experience .
19 These arrangements for review of the procedures were strongly condemned by the Opposition which argued that the monitoring function should be undertaken by a Select Committee of the House of Commons which would ‘ oversee the work of any person responsible for , or making use of , the interception of communications ’ .
20 It is the cast of mind which decrees that Henry Cotton , the most successful British golfer of the last fifty years should get an MBE rather than a knighthood , the same level of honour as a shorthand note-taker in the House of Commons or the draftsman of regulations governing haddock quotas .
21 Sometimes this is done quite deliberately — he refuses to think about the event at all — while at other times it is his subconscious mind which ensures that he is no longer troubled by it .
22 Marx maintained that , with the possible exception of the societies of prehistory , all historical societies contain basic contradictions which means that they can not survive forever in their existing form .
23 If I get a movie script which means that I 've got to be away from home for a long period then I turn it down . ’
24 The continuing use of a simple majority system was opposed by opposition parties which felt that their best chance of defeating the Colorados would be by combining forces in a run-off election .
25 Perhaps it is time we had a choice between parties which agree that liberal free-market economics are here to stay .
26 A petition signed by 115 leading personalities , requesting the King to appoint a 1,300-1,500 member National Assembly , drew widespread opposition from the main political parties which claimed that it would drag the monarchy into politics .
27 It is also worth overcoming an approach to computer-aided historical research which assumes that the complexities inherent in disambiguating and interpreting fuzzy information and of representing idiosyncratic data types are at all unique to history .
28 The Council commissioned market research which revealed that 93 per cent of those questions rated water services as very good or quite good while 83 per cent rated drainage services similarly .
29 Such claims were contradicted by research which indicated that the true level might be about 70 per thousand .
30 He was first drawn to the whole theme of cycles of disadvantage , he says , by some research which suggested that the mature and the middle classes use birth control more effectively than the young and the disadvantaged .
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