Example sentences of "[noun] she said and " in BNC.

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1 Well I expect she did but I saw Debbie Thursday night and she said about her and er I said er how long has she been in , she said Tuesday she had the op she said and she 's due , she 'll probably be coming out tomorrow
2 And Jenny said all those years I had a crush on that teacher she said and I thought he never noticed me .
3 has been up there nattering , it 's been noticed , so Norren come up to me today and she said oh er you do n't have to do upstairs she said , give it a couple of weeks she said and you wo n't have to do it any more
4 they 've gave us since we 've been creating that much she 's had been in to see Mr she said and he says oh no he says er that 's not right Brenda , he says er mine are all guaranteed until they 're earning that money he says you ca n't just do it
5 Oh she said I 'm ever so sorry I was miles away , I said yeah we 've just said that , I said you never even heard us , so I said what you , you ca n't understand why you pay too much tax , she said no I know why I pay too much tax she said but more she said I used to be in business she said and I 'm on basic rate of tax , so I said yeah I 've had some of that , so she said what basic rate of tax , I said yeah where I 've come so , it 's a funny thing she said , I was saying to Carol the other day , she said erm , she said what a difference them blokes you work with , so I said yeah , I said I 'm always saying that about these so she said oh she said er
6 that was a fruit shop she said it 's loaded out as a cheap shop she said and erm , she wo n't go in there because bloke 's stood in there , she said she do n't mind going in and paying fifty , because , well they do n't do that do they ?
7 Anyway she come down stairs she said and she said ooh Julia she said course you can !
8 it 's the situation she said and we 'll stick with it .
9 And he gets the jar cor she said that 's disgusting dad she said and he had course he blames all of us for having some but we had n't touched them .
10 turn round the other way she said and ran straight back this way
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