Example sentences of "[noun] she have in " in BNC.

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1 Unlike Jeanne of Artois , whom he judged to be ‘ prodigal and immoral ’ , the pope thought Margaret well able take the place of a mother and commended her to philip V. She had in effect governed Béarn , and governed it well , since Gaston I 's death in 1315 , but was to die in 1319 .
2 Penny added to her load a pile of books she had in fact marked yesterday .
3 She will need time to grieve inwardly a little over these losses and gradually come to terms with them in her own way , so you should not assume that any moods of depression or irritability she has in those early months are a reflection on the efforts you are making to help her to feel ‘ at home ’ .
4 When rights of conquest or hereditary rights had placed two or more territories under a medieval ruler , he was quite accustomed to finding that they were ruled under different constitutions and he would not think of trying to impose a uniform system of government on them ; Queen Elizabeth had rights and duties in England that were rather different from the rights and duties she had in the Channel Islands , which were all that was left of William the Conqueror 's Norman territories , and it was perfectly natural for each new English acquisition overseas to be won on terms that differed from what had happened previously .
5 They are literally the only possessions she has in the world : those two pictures , and the ring , her father 's ring .
6 The clip she had in her jewel case was the same one that appeared in the doge 's portrait .
7 Then she snatched a cigarette from a box , her hand shaking so much she laughed at the difficulty she had in lighting it .
8 Charles adored his country residence , Highgrove in Gloucestershire , while Diana preferred the much smaller apartment she had in Kensington Palace , more than 90 miles away in London .
9 ‘ If it was necessary to come to a decision on this aspect , I would have to say that , in my judgment , to go from the grandmother 's house where she is at the moment and leaving the job she has in Birkenhead with the Social Services Department , to Canada with no work and no money and living on charity and food banks , would be an intolerable situation for the child .
10 ‘ Apart from an occasional tendency to treat me like the ayah she had in India as a child , she 's the perfect landlady . ’
11 In rationalising these qualities Verity Lambert saw two of William Hartnell 's previous roles which suggested he might be suitable for the character she had in mind .
12 The small living-room she took him into was made even smaller by the amount of stuff she had in there .
13 If you saw some of the things she had in there .
14 Detectives investigating the murder of Glasgow pensioner Agnes Law have revealed that she was killed for the few pounds she had in her house .
15 Rosie at once scrambled to her feet , the marbles she had in her lap dropping and clattering over the polished wood floors .
16 She filled her voice with all the anger she had in her body .
17 It was Harold Shoosmith she had in mind then , mistakenly thinking that Dimity was attracted to him .
18 The chair , a bed and a small table were the only pieces of furniture she had in her hut .
19 She would have eaten it anyway because she was hungry , she was nearly always hungry , it was almost the only thing she had in common with Weenie .
20 Oh , she had the chic that seemed to be the birthright of all French women , but she had nothing else at all , unless it was the rather fine dark eyes , the only thing she had in common with her tall and impressive son .
21 Speaker B had been talking about the radio she had in the 1930s and speaker A's first line here seems to continue within the temporal , locational and personal indices of the existing topic framework while introducing telephones .
22 She went downstairs and brought up the only sweets she had in the house ; a box of liqueur chocolates .
23 On behalf of all her fans , I would like to wish her the best of luck in 1992 and hope that she will carry on in the dedicated way she has in the past year or so .
24 Granny was seated in her rocking chair facing the fireplace , but her back was to me and I could only see the paper curlers she had in her hair .
25 She had her own meal early , around six , then watched some television on the set she had in her room , and came down later for a chat with the family when everyone was feeling relaxed .
26 Kattina was a convinced lesbian , and the only interest she had in Jacqui was the use of her body .
27 The lady prioress would deny the charge , and call in the sheriff or some local justice she has in her power .
28 Anna wants me to know about the birthday party she had in July .
29 And if the task she had in mind did n't send him rushing from the house , she was a Dutchman .
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