Example sentences of "[noun] she [vb mod] not " in BNC.

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1 Even if he now commanded her , as he was undressing , to open her eyes she would not see his powerful , barrel-chested body as it came at her .
2 Beside him , Melanie was acutely conscious of her clumsy hands and the long legs she could not arrange elegantly , no matter how hard she tried .
3 The 12-inch tall toy was lost somewhere on the hill between Mynydd Isa and Mold and though Karen retraced her steps she could not find it .
4 Why motherhood should have become such an obsession she could not imagine , but she did understand that whatever was the matter with her was contributing to her misery .
5 The Common Cause , reporting a case of the wrongful arrest of a woman for alleged prostitution , commented that the suspect was ‘ taken to a man 's court , tried and sentenced by men under men 's laws for a fault she can not commit alone ’ .
6 If however a special diet has been recommended by the doctor , you should of course see that it is possible for her to adhere strictly to this , and if she is amongst those who enjoy various products from Health Food shops she should not be criticised for having fads .
7 She throbbed with the effort of containing words she could not speak .
8 He told her some more , including complex words she could not follow and which she was sure she was not meant to .
9 They were speaking words she could not grasp but now they were speaking them to her rather than to each other and their tone was sympathetic , cajoling .
10 He murmured in Italian , words she could not understand , let go of her wrists , and swept her into his arms , gathering her to him until her heart was pressed tightly to his , until her hands lifted and slipped around his neck .
11 There was a question on her lips she could not articulate .
12 He should believe in her character , and not object to a past action she could not avoid .
13 If it 's this cold she might not bother coming back
14 She took a look at this man before her and summed him up in five seconds flat : he was from the country ; he was perspiring because he was wearing his one and only suit which was too heavy for the weather ; his shoes were outrageous , huge , clod-hopping things , but at least they had been polished ; his hands were heavy , his fingers thick as sausages so he was definitely a man of the land ; despite all that , he was quite polite and well-spoken though with a strong accent that she could identify as being Scottish but from which part of Scotland she could not say ; for some reason she was quite sure he was a liar .
15 Here were unexpected turnings she could not recognize ; and there was something else , she thought , suddenly apprehensive .
16 From the window she could not see any trees or houses , only wild land , which looked like a kind of purple sea .
17 Unlike his predecessor , he has told Mrs Rees she can not allow her toys to be sold .
18 The child she could not present , but at least 100,000 people believed in her .
19 It was the sort of fantasy she must not harbour .
20 Although the female may be mated in July she will not give birth until the following May after a gestation period of almost 300 days .
21 But in her heart she knew there was no way in the world she would ever take up this incredible offer , which had been prompted by motives she could not even begin to fathom .
22 Once she met the Queen she would not need fitzAlan 's protection .
23 Yet she also knew that if she had succumbed to her longing she would not have been satisfied , knowing what she now knew of the terrible difficulties of love .
24 Made the more appealing , perhaps , by alcohol and half-light , she was nonetheless beautiful , her elfin face crossed by a touching sadness , her brow furrowed by some longing she could not define .
25 But that was a question she could not think about .
26 The family were Presbyterians , and her conscious effort to acquire an education began at the age of six , when she heard a sermon she could not understand , and from that time she adopted a plan for acquiring information through asking the meaning of every new word she heard .
27 The very brief account she gave now was selective — it referred to Anna but not to Anna 's story ; Rome was a place of origin ; there was no mention of a Mena or a Mr James ( Simon she could not entirely subdue ) , the prince was a bare name .
28 You may find that she will need to lean on you a little for several months to speak and act for her in matters she can not give her full attention to , because she will be quite rightly absorbed for the time being in grieving , which is mentally and emotionally very hard work indeed .
29 Giles recalls one remark when Montini was criticizing the De Gasperi Christian Democratic government for inaction while denying that he was doing anything of the kind ( a typical Montini ploy ) : ‘ In political questions the Church has to be general , just as in religious matters she can not afford not to be particular ’ ( ibid. , p. 109 ) .
30 But her very virtues carried their own faults , and not the least of them was the possibility of her being upset by matters she could not understand .
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