Example sentences of "[noun] she [modal v] still " in BNC.

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1 Even in her grief she could still look out for her remaining children .
2 In her mind she could still hear the other woman saying lewdly , ‘ She 's certainly got the hots for you . ’
3 Erm but to get into the social work department she 'll still have to do the that that
4 It singles out one form of non-marital living arrangement and penalises it ( if the woman sets up house with her sister , her father , her adult children or her lesbian lover she would still have some entitlement to SB ) .
5 Despite the fact that she wanted to weep , and she was shaking so badly inside that it was a wonder she could still stand up straight at all , she snorted derisively , because she was too afraid to believe his words .
6 This was the corner to which she had tottered , her mother holding her on white leather reins , her legs encased in knitted leggings whose scratchiness she could still remember .
7 Artemis was n't afraid of riding tall horses , only anxious in case she might still be too short in the leg to get the best out of them .
8 A quarter of a century later , it is a moment she can still picture in her mind 's eye and she can still summon up the painful feelings of rejection , breach of trust and isolation that the break-up of her parents ’ marriage signified to her .
9 Indeed , had it not been for the blazing row with Mama she would still be living with her parents , seeing Charlie twice a week and helping the wounded airmen get back their confidence .
10 Before Nathan entered , her mind had been filled with the prospect of playing Lady Macbeth at last , and to all appearance she might still have been thinking of nothing but that .
11 If Rune had n't insisted on her presence at the presentation she would still be in England .
12 If she had had any sense she would still be in London , planning her next social function with her friends , instead of slinking off to the south of France because she had felt claustrophobic , because she needed to formulate a way of telling her fiancé that their engagement was off .
13 ‘ If it had n't been for your interference she would still be alive . ’
14 He took his hand away , but as she stumbled down the ladder she could still feel its warm weight .
15 And as a background she could still see those policemen going in and out of the house in Mouncy Street the day she had seen John Coffin sitting outside .
16 She wished she could lay claim to a migraine but knew that Betty would not let her , that anyway even she could not be so mannerless as to absent herself from her own picnic , and that even if she did have a blinding migraine she would still have to go .
17 Even through her perfume she could still detect the sour smell of the sheets .
18 She knew she should refuse this assignment and even resign if necessary but to her annoyance she could still see the magnificent figure on horseback , she could still hear the music and the wild applause .
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