Example sentences of "[noun] that [modal v] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Money that 'll do her we 'll have a
2 Now Raby was also a considerable scholar of Latin poetry of the Middle Ages ; finally , Saxl asked Gombrich to write Raby a request in Latin poetry in case that might move him to action .
3 She said I got fat fingers that 'll do .
4 In part that may reflect real changes in public opinion but to a large extent it merely reflects sampling and other administrative errors .
5 It was inevitable that if , in saying anything that blamed others , he did make admissions in part that would tend to confirm the accuracy of the allegations that had already been made against him .
6 We try to formulate policies that 'll meet the needs of the people who speak to us and then we use officers , not to make necessarily proposals on policies , but to help us to work out the financial ways of achieving those policies , so that 's almost the other way round from the way that John outlined .
7 Mum that 'll come out on the tape !
8 From Esterençuby you can press onwards and upwards , towards the frontier , and then either branch right , back into the complex of mountain roads to the west that would take you eventually down again to Arnéguy , or else left , along a narrow , lonely , but not totally nerve-racking road which climbs high up on the north flank of the watershed , before relapsing into the next valley to the east .
9 In the next century , a historian will write a major book about Aids in the west that will rank with Norman Cohn 's ‘ Pursuit of the Millennium ’ and Keith Thomas ' ‘ Religion and the Decline of Magic ’ .
10 so of course that would 've come out at a later stage , yeah , you know there 's a lot of business miles involved in flying to all these er places .
11 So you can , so if you feel that you 're a bit , you need a bit of practice in a certain area , you can literally look up the type of course that would benefit you the most .
12 The tremendous problems that they have need addressing and we should be there , not because we can reap the benefits necessarily in funding , although of course that would help , but because we can lend a hand , because we can reach out Local Authority and in my view that is also what the people of would want this Council to do .
13 Of course that would have to mean Open Software Foundation founders Hewlett-Packard Co , Digital Equipment Corp and IBM Corp taking part .
14 Of course that would have to mean Open Software Foundation founders Hewlett-Packard Co , Digital Equipment Corp and IBM Corp taking part .
15 Of course that should have been altered when inflation became serious , but it was n't .
16 But of course that can become quite a complex thing depending on how much we want to sort of use it to produce certificates and things like that .
17 ‘ Harry Martin … the word 's out that you 're interested in how he conducts his business at the moment , and of course that must cause untold problems , or would do if you were n't able to separate your professional and personal life . ’
18 Then I thought … well , as it happens , I did know that the old lady — MM Hamilton — had died earlier this year , and of course that could have meant that Dad 's job had packed up and they 'd had to move .
19 At Collington Chapel Lane is closed until Friday cos they 're putting a new sewer in there and traffic 's being diverted there along Main Street and at Totton there 's roadworks on Nottingham Road at the junction with Attenborough Lane delays likely there especially at busy times that 'll do us for now we 'll update the traffic for you again in half an hours time .
20 I said all you 've got to do is put in the microwave two minutes that 'll do it I thought oh my goodness .
21 apart from Red Rum you very rarely get a horse that 'll win a two
22 Loo , look the other side that 'll tell you !
23 mummy that 'll go in there
24 What a mockery that would make of her insistence that she was independent and perfectly able to take care of herself .
25 Cure is , yeah its , it makes 'em better , cure is a I do n't know any , I 'll go and look in dictionary that 'll tell us , erm
26 What a tragedy that must have been for them all .
27 I 'm doing that talking to you look for Jim Bowen 's mobile phone number so I thought we 'd give him a ring that 'll surprise him wont it ?
28 Yeah yeah might as well I 'll make the mincemeat , mince pies this and give you some Ann that 'll save you doing them , wo n't it ?
29 Can you imagine what a civilizing effect that will have on the multitude ?
30 For example , only three funds — Newton Income , Touche Remnant City of London and Britannia Life American Growth — achieved higher returns over five years than the £162 that could have been obtained without risk by placing £100 in the building society .
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