Example sentences of "[noun] as it really " in BNC.

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1 To watch and to listen are two important activities for the social investigator studying social behaviour as it really happens .
2 Woodfall , the company set up by Tony Richardson and John Osborne to exploit the profits from Look Back in Anger , with the aim of proving ‘ that good films , ones that showed British life as it really is , could be made cheaply ’ , nevertheless had no particular strategy for trying to bring down the budgets of films from the £100,000 or so they were costing to the £30,000 level that , for example , French filmmakers worked to .
3 Mourning also cleanses us of pity , which can be a subtle form of pride , or of self-pity which is a form of blindness to life as it really is .
4 They exist , theorists believe , because they help us to see the world as it really is .
5 Or perhaps amphetamine just gives you an insight into the world as it really is
6 She had seen the world as it really was , once .
7 Rationality can very properly be specified not in terms exclusively of methods supposed to lead to truth but more generally in terms of methods for reaching a consistent and comprehensive stance towards the world as it really is , something perfectly possible in ethical thought as the attitudinist describes it .
8 Anthony Burgess drew a distinction between Graham Greene 's serious novels which ‘ probe into the world as it really is ’ and the ‘ entertainments ’ which , he claimed , ‘ falsify the world , manipulate it ’ .
9 ‘ [ Just as ] feminism identifies interrelatedness and mutuality-equal , respectful , and nurturing relationships — as the basis of the world as it really is and as it ought to be , we can find no better understanding and image of the divine than that of the perfect and open relationships of love .
10 Nevertheless the foregoing does express the nature of the situation as it really is and people should be very well aware of it before they decide to start a family or indulge in sexual activity likely to produce a child .
11 There have n't been many films that show Dublin as it really is .
12 They had few doubts that the Army could recruit as many regulars as it really needed , within reason , provided the country was prepared to pay enough for them .
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