Example sentences of "[noun] as [pron] were " in BNC.

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1 Protests by hundreds of Dutch , Scandinavian , West German and British people fell on deaf ears as they were turned away .
2 As luck would have it , Jean-Claude found he needed some old scores he had put to one side as they were too heavy to bring along with everything else we had had to load on the motor cycle .
3 Palace faced re-election at the end of our worst-ever season with a dismal playing record , and with as many players appearing in the side as there were goals scored — 33 in each case !
4 historical buildings and you just worked with him and you took the exams on the side as it were .
5 ‘ However , ’ Margrida continued , ‘ the incident created so much gossip among his courtiers that King João became annoyed and he ordered a ceiling in the palace to be painted with as many magpies as there were chattering ladies .
6 Can you remember I mean what they sa what the actual steps as it were when the , you know , when the kids stop look and listen when you do your look left again .
7 They had refused to pay the toll as they were delivering humanitarian aid .
8 ‘ It is n't over ‘ till it 's over , ’ Defries had whispered to Bernice as they were jostled together in the middle of a crowd of lurching androids .
9 Yes , erm Arthur as I have mentioned earlier was erm the fourth in command as it were and erm if I can just sort of go down the erm the pecking order , mm , Leslie was the Chief Education Officer .
10 Gide at the end of his life remarked that Wilde only began to live after dark as it were , away from most of those who knew him ( So Be It , 27 ) .
11 I was a much a member of the club as they were .
12 Both Ellis and Beto were as proud of their success in raising the salary and status of guards as they were of any other achievement .
13 Claire Thomas will be er in the hot seat as it were .
14 Painters could work as easily with gems and enamels as they could with oils and watercolours ; sculptors were as adept with gold and silver as they were with marble and bronze .
15 The test now embodied in the UCTA is thus a hypothetical test , which requires the court to put itself in the position of the parties as they were ( and with the state of knowledge which they had ) at the time when the contract was made .
16 There were nearly twice as many accidents at private parties as there were nn er public displays .
17 The Low Countries , or Flanders as they were termed in the Middle Ages , were subject to varied artistic influences from different sources .
18 We know that the boys still cared for civilisation as they were glad to be rescued and cried in shame at the end of the book .
19 ‘ Chubby ’ Eliot and self had a bit of a dogfight for a while trying to get on each others ' tails as we were not certain the other was not a 109 until we saw the roundels . ’
20 Yeah fine see , see which they er which they , do a bit of market research as it were , yes
21 Merrill was saved a reply as they were both enveloped in Sam 's breezy bonhomie .
22 This had made it easy for him to reach the traps as there were no banks here as such , just fiats of mud and rock .
23 The Institute of Heraldic and Genealogical Studies , Northgate , Canterbury , have published two maps showing the registration and census districts as they were between 1837 and 1851 and between 1852 and 1946 , though they do not mark exact boundaries .
24 To give an indication as it were which in terms of within the City of York , which would be the least worse of the options .
25 Speaking only to confirm their ages and identities , they showed no sign of nervousness or distress as they were accused of the abduction and murder of James , from Northwood , Kirkby .
26 There were mediaeval chroniclers , working from monasteries and sometimes from the courts , and those chroniclers were producing history which was an attempt as it were to set down what seemed to them to be the most important things that were happening at the time , with a few asides .
27 Has anyone else I think we 've exhausted the criteria er appraisal as it were .
28 He 'd then possibly forgotten these dreams or fantasies and then when the stimulus of feeling something on the back of his neck happened to him whilst asleep , suddenly the fantasy came back , all as a piece as it were , and it occurred to me that your dream about driving off viaducts might be caused by being asleep , having one of these falling experiences , then relating it to previous thoughts you 'd had , you know on the freeway or something , oh my God , how awful it would be if I , if I drove off that bend below , do you know what I mean ?
29 Whatever , the cops eventually moved on and the Englishman and I were spared the task of explaining what such an unlikely pair of lads as ourselves were doing with such a gleaming trophy .
30 Geeta Amin and I have described some of the effects of reception class in secondary schools as they were in 1974 ( Guardian 15 Aug. 1974 ) :
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