Example sentences of "[noun] had [to-vb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The fire brigade had to bring in their rescue boat normally used on the Thames to ferry 60 stranded people while the local council issued sandbags to those still hoping to keep the water at bay .
2 ’ Bassett himself suggested : ‘ If fans had to put forward £100 for police to investigate I am sure the complaints would end .
3 Fans had to wait almost year before the song eventually appeared on vinyl .
4 Alexander was too drunk to care and Corbett had to listen carefully to understand the man 's drunken , slurred speech .
5 For this purpose Marx and Engels had to show just how different primitive societies were from the type of society their readers knew .
6 Held , dismissing the appeal , that to sustain a plea of autrefois convict a defendant had to prove not only that he had already been found guilty of the offence charged by a court of competent jurisdiction , either by the decision of the court or verdict of the jury or entry of his own plea of guilty , but also that the court had finally disposed of the case by passing sentence or making some other order ; that since the proceedings on the first indictment had been discontinued before sentence had been passed there had been no final adjudication and the defendant had properly been convicted on the second indictment ; but that , in all the circumstances , particularly having regard to the lapse of time between trial and determination of the appeal to the Judicial Committee , it would be appropriate for the death sentence to be commuted ( post , pp. 931D–E , 935H ) .
7 Erm t just to er well there was a l a certain lack of time on this thing , I mean , Dennis had to come round and tell us to start our tick-list else we were n't gon na .
8 Candidates had to write down what they felt would most help them improve their lives and these suggestions were forwarded to the Prince in the diplomatic bag to wherever he happened to be in the world ; he then chose whom the money should go to .
9 The new , expensive , equipment required secure and sound cover , thus the Club had to build suitably good sheds ; these are by the 3rd fairway .
10 For their part , provider units had to think more like commercial organisations and acquire new skills in business planning , marketing , contract construction and negotiation .
11 In an impassioned speech to the Congress of People 's Deputies , Mr Dmitri Likhachev , who since the death of Andrei Sakharov has emerged as the conscience of the nation , argued that if President Gorbachev had to give up his party post ( as some radicals have demanded ) this ‘ will lead again to a civil war ’ .
12 Moreover , the developed aid had to fit in with our existing hardware strategy , ruling out specialist AI tool kits and LISP machines .
13 Create assets for lenders and liabilities for borrowers which are more attractive than would be the case if the parties had to deal directly ;
14 Between 1929 and the formation of the second National Government after the general election , the Liberal party had been a genuine participant in the political system and the other parties had to consider carefully what its reactions might be .
15 It is interesting to note a shortening of the working distances at the Clyde end of the rampart : the menace from attackers over the Kilpatrick Hills was such that working parties had to keep protectively closer together .
16 ‘ It makes a fair difference , ’ Hector had to admit later , admiring his shining shoulder-length locks in Marion 's tiny mirror .
17 Meanwhile the British warships had to ride out the monsoon .
18 Recruits had to learn how to fall and land safely , and this they did from a variety of heights and by means of different contraptions .
19 At the last minute Reg Seekings had to drop out as he had injured his hand when a detonator exploded prematurely .
20 She denied that many non-smokers had to stand up while seats remained empty in smoking coaches , and added : ‘ If BR are that worried they should put on more carriages , and not blame smokers for overcrowding . ’
21 Hence the study had to fall back on a proxy for measures of ill health — standardised mortality ratios ( SMRs ) or death rates from different diseases standardised by age .
22 Many forms had days when lessons finished at midday , and study had to go on at home .
23 Sartre and de Beauvoir had to go elsewhere after the Liberation .
24 Such evidence is given by phrases including ‘ I saw women with prams obstructed by the offending vehicle parking across a pavement ’ ; ‘ several motor cars had to negotiate carefully and slowly to pass the offending vehicle ’ etc .
25 In one of their experiments , for example , subjects had to compare tachistoscopically presented random forms with a set of forms held in memory .
26 In another experiment subjects had to match visually presented upper and lower case letters according to their names ( nominal identity match ) .
27 Thus , when in G. Cantor 's ( 1955 ) experiment the subjects had to learn over a series of trials a simultaneous discrimination between faces of the sort shown in fig. 5.2 , the task required them to carry over information from one trial to the next .
28 Even so , the industry had to cut off between 10 and 20 per cent of peak loads in these winters , despite attempts to reduce the peak demand by less drastic means .
29 And just as the shepherd had to go out and look for it , and search for it .
30 Crossley had to move quickly to save a glancing header from Sharp and just when it looked as if Forest might be more grateful for a replay Chapman won the tie .
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