Example sentences of "[noun] from [being] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Different colours and patterns are mixed — without matching — and floral plates , rugs and prints prevent the overall effect from being too harshly geometric .
2 One thing about him struck Pumfrey as being unboyish : he seemed to be taking no pleasure from being so sensationally at the centre of things .
3 Chapter 5 considers other aspects of the store ; protection of store areas from being inadvertently overwritten , the use of particular store locations for special purposes , means by which the store 's apparent capacity and speed can be increased , and the use of associative and cyclic stores .
4 If total benefit ( utility ) derived from being in locality is denoted by and total benefit from being in is , then equilibrium occurs where
5 There is an obvious intention of preventing the Gospel from being freely proclaimed on television .
6 The New Critics did , of course , make room for ambiguity in their theory , but their stress on the organic coherence of the literary text prevented ambiguity from being genuinely open-ended .
7 This technique can be highly effective in selling , moving a buyer from being merely interested in the product to being convinced that it is the solution to his problem .
8 The chief functions of the short time-limit under Ord. 53 are to prevent public programmes from being unduly held up by litigation challenging the legality of such programmes ; and to prevent steps already taken in execution of challenged decisions having to be reversed long after the decision was acted upon .
9 This does not stop the play from being brilliantly funny : but it is comedy that appeals to one 's taste for cruelty , a form of dramatic pugilism . ’
10 It surprised me but it could easily have been tiredness from being out so long .
11 ‘ It will also free taxpayers ’ money from being unnecessarily tied up in an asset which has the prospect of becoming more profitable under privatisation ’ .
12 ( To prevent the argument from being too cumbersome , there is some loose usage above .
13 However , recent spacecraft voyages have dissuaded astronomers from being too ready to categorize objects as satellites , asteroids , comets or even failed suns ; or to neatly itemize inter-planetary debris , with planets being bigger than moons , asteroids bigger than meteors , and so on .
14 It seems that several unique features — the lack of wholehearted support from other unions , the marked absence of internal unity , the militant leadership , the sheer length of the stoppage — prevented the constraints on violence which had proved so effective in the past from being fully operative .
15 There was indeed a reign of euphemism and of ostensible delicacy which prevented for instance the novel from being too explicit , bowdlerised Shakespeare 's plays , alluded to prostitution as the ‘ social evil ’ and gonorrhoea and syphilis as the ‘ social diseases ’ .
16 You now have to get , in er er , because there was a sort of erm gradation from being off ill , which was n't familiar , to being off long term sick which you ca n't have any experience of to erm early retirement on health grounds and you just ca n't have any experience of that either erm to being retired and it 's , i i it 's , it 's quite interesting
17 It was such men who had to be galvanised into action by a pressing personal letter from the leader of the political interest to which they adhered , and , as Panmure was advised , it was ‘ getting such good friends to take a troublesome jaunt on them ’ which would ‘ save a sett of friends from being either affronted or over run ’ .
18 With the publication of the Foreign Relations of the United States volumes on the Korean War and the release of the British documents it was evident that Britain had played a major role in the important decisions taken in the early stages of the war , and in particular the decision to change the aim of the operation from being merely to repel the aggressor north of the 38th parallel to that of achieving a unified Korea .
19 Add the raspberry vinegar , which will prevent the dressing from being too sweet .
20 What saves computing from being as big a social embarrassment as accountancy , tax inspecting and supporting Manchester United is the fact that it 's possible to make contact with other Leeds fans at home and abroad by means of the vast electronic networks which interconnect thousands of computers right round the world .
21 We are concerned that the exemption of ‘ unfinished data and documents ’ could be abused to prevent information from being properly disclosed .
22 It 's a deficiency that they have to go back to another culture , but we hope they 've got sufficient strength from being here to get through that .
23 He would gain strength from being back with his books , his bed and his little bits and pieces .
24 It may settle the other two down and prevent one individual from being continually picked on .
25 Virgin Group is expected to abandon its plan to run a train service in competition with British Rail ; the charges that would be imposed by British Rail would prevent the scheme from being commercially viable .
26 But apart from that , these women are having most enjoyment from being together as women .
27 ‘ This match is a long way from being over . ’
28 These were a survival from his army days and , therefore , some way from being sexually provocative .
29 Apart from cases such as those we have been discussing , where the industries are nearly perfectly contestable , there are other , more traditional cases where the industry is a natural monopoly but a long way from being naturally contestable .
30 If the first furrow was straight , example and actual guidance helped to persuade the ploughman who followed after him to draw the other furrows in the stetch in like manner : if the first furrow was bent nothing could prevent the others from being less than perfect also .
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