Example sentences of "[noun] from [noun] the " in BNC.

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1 A request for military aid against Flanders from Philip the Fair in March 1304 certainly met with Edward 's support : twenty ships were promised .
2 On the return journey up the incline from Coombe the engine ran out of steam , causing passengers for Plymouth to miss their last connection .
3 If you want to add or remove words from documents the text is adjusted automatically .
4 With effect from September the Capenhurst site will be divided into two .
5 Now , however , some relief was at hand : contact with Australia would lead to new supplies , mail from home the greatest morale booster , and air support .
6 It was warm over here by the fire and there was an unpleasant stench of stale giant and the surreptitious breaking of wind from Goll the Gorm who had eaten too much onion broth again , but these things would have to be overlooked .
7 Worst of all we are given no true insights into the man or the legend which saw the production of more than 75 films and made a poor boy from Lambeth the most famous and feted individual in the world .
8 South from Arreau the main road runs along the wide valley of the Neste d'Aure to the resort town of Saint-Lary-Soulan , and then curves to the south-east as the valley narrows and the mountains get higher .
9 A group of actors and actresses rehearse and perform a story in a circus tent , with some help from Humphrey the Victorian posing toy , and Wobble the giant clown .
10 The cost of keeping up a navy was already the really large item in the expenses of empire , but the English needed a navy for their own safety from invasion as well as to protect their trade , so the colonies — and perhaps particularly the West Indian colonies — got some benefit from money the English would have had to spend in any case .
11 British Gas has announced a price freeze from April the First .
12 If a relative applies for a residence order to discharge the child from care the court can make a s34 contact order if it decides not to grant the residence order .
13 David Lodge has adapted himself cleverly and economically , introducing the kind of tricks that actors can make work for you ; like the way in which Vic the businessman uses choice lines from Robyn the lecturer in subsequent conversations .
14 And it 's along these power lines from God the Holy Spirit that comes the power which gives light to those who live in darkness .
15 These strange survivals from pre-history the golomianka , were no doubt nosing around the wreck of Old Prince Khilkov 's locomotive which had plunged through the ice eighty years ago .
16 With the extra wealth from trade the townsfolk enlarged their churches and often added hand some spires .
17 WEALTH FROM HEALTH The surge of interest in healthy lifestyles means big business for health farms
18 When she became queen she encouraged English refugees from William the Conqueror 's tyranny to settle in her husband 's country , though in due course he was forced to reach an agreement with the Norman invader .
19 This seems to have been the only time that the English king led his men to victory : had the negotiations which preceded his return from exile the same year included a stipulation by those who complained about his previous behaviour ( see below ) that henceforth there should be more determination in dealing with the enemy ?
20 On his return from Aden the French communist party was unequivocally beckoning Paul Nizan .
21 And it was asking too much of readers that they should insulate Eliot the editor and editorialist from Eliot the poet ; so that they should read ‘ Ash-Wednesday ’ without feeling that they were being nudged into the Roman Catholic or the Anglo-Catholic church —
22 Oranges from Surrey THE VEGETABLE GARDEN DISPLAYED Joy Larkcom Royal Horticultural Society , £10.95 SPRING FEVER : THE PRECARIOUS FUTURE OF BRITAIN 'S FLORA AND FAUNA Phillip Gates HarperCollins , £14.99 Ruth Pavey
23 Cash from f the concert , called Broken Wings , will go to Paul McCartney 's LIPA school .
24 For the safety of transport from China the request of protection by the British navy was not thought inappropriate .
25 In a major departure from tradition the bill also permitted women pilots to fly combat missions , subject to the agreement of the air force and the navy .
26 % postcrania /crania : postcrania include 10 elements , two each of femora , tibiae , humeri , radii and ulnae ; crania include 16 elements , two each of mandibles and maxillae and 12 molars ; the expected ratio is therefore 10:16 , so that to correct for this departure from I the actual postcranial values from the fossil samples are multiplied by 16 and the cranial values by 10 , and these corrected values are shown here .
27 Twenty-four years after the departure from Harran the time of the promised son 's arrival is announced .
28 They have sworn to follow guidelines contained in a new booklet produced by campaigners from Re-Solv the national society for the prevention of solvent abuse .
29 The people of Wales deserve an apology from Ministers The poll tax was conceived in Finchley , tested on Scotland , and imposed on Wales via the Wirral .
30 Well it is n't erm , I 'm just wondering if , ah , we are getting , erm the right service from Sharon the cleaner , that we are paying for .
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