Example sentences of "[noun] but because she " in BNC.

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1 She got out as soon as she could , and found work in the weaving sheds — " she was a good weaver ; six looms under her by the time she was sixteen " — marry , produce nine children , eight of whom emigrated to the cotton mills of Massachusetts before the First World War , managed , " never went before the Guardians " .1 It was much , much later that I learned from One Hand Tied Behind Us that four was the usual number of looms for a Lancashire weaver ; Burnley weavers were not well organised , and my great-grandmother had six not because she was a good weaver but because she was exploited . "
2 Not because she could n't lose weight but because she enjoyed coming along for a weekly work-out session and it helped to keep her weight in check .
3 The Act Two ball dress , the emerald gown with the huge stiffened collar embroidered with pearls , looked even better than the Act One dress and she realized that , without knowing quite how , she had quelled Gesner — not for reasons of rivalry but because she had had to get the production back on course .
4 Not , thought Tim , because she greatly cared for his welfare but because she liked interfering .
5 Judge Clark said that he was not reducing her sentence because she was a woman but because she was ten years younger than the other two and had two children depending on her .
6 Beattie makes us laugh not because she 's a Yiddishe momma but because she 's a mother .
7 Elsewhere , the close-up , detailed approach which works brilliantly , say , for Imogen Stubbs 's affecting Desdemona ( the pathos of her disoriented , jittery jauntiness intensified by beautiful touches such as the sepia photograph of her estranged father she keeps on the bedside table in Cyprus or the chocolates from Casio that she has secreted in a locked draw , not because she fears sexual misconstruction but because she would like to be thought too grown-up for frivolous sweet-guzzling by Othello ) paradoxically diminishes Iago because it encourages the belief that he can be realistically ‘ explained ’ like a figure in a novel .
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