Example sentences of "[noun] but also to " in BNC.

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1 His nonconformity was not just limited to the roles he chose or to his moody persona but also to his sexuality .
2 Not only is it close to the coast but also to a large river , the Kumbukan .
3 To suppose that this century can fix the definition of democracy or , even more arrogantly , that it is in this century that democracy has been finally and definitively realized , is to be blind not only to the probabilities of the future but also to the certainties of the past .
4 In doing so he has to maximise the output from his land as he is subject not only to man-made economic vagaries but also to climatic variations beyond his control .
5 More importantly , the degree of risk is related to the amount of virus in the inoculum , which in turn is related not only to the volume of blood but also to the concentration of virus in it .
6 This book of 100 pages consisted of an edited summary of answers to a questionnaire which the two editors had sent out not only to missionaries but also to Buddhist laymen and government officials .
7 It is essential that we resolve this question because it is relevant not only to the process of calcium entry but also to the mechanism of calcium spiking in intact cells ( see later ) .
8 The implications of this legacy were manifold , leading not only to strains and tensions in the Plantagenets ' relations with their English subjects but also to positive benefits for the kingdom of England .
9 We are more conscious than ever of the need to take positive steps to promote the full access of girls and women not only to full educational opportunities but also to the whole range of community resources and services , including employment , leisure , housing , social security and the right to property .
10 It offered answers for frequently raised questions about China 's relatively low level of development not just in comparison to western nations but also to other eastern states such as Japan , South Korea and others .
11 ‘ And it was , in my view , the lack of sufficiently rigorous and enquiring approach which led not only to the failure to appreciate that there was a Jersey partnership but also to some other of the faults I have identified . ’
12 ‘ It was , in my view , the lack of a sufficiently rigorous and enquiring approach which led not only to the failure to appreciate that there was a Jersey partnership but also to some others of the faults I have identified . ’
13 Unfortunately , it may also be superior not only to those of the winners but also to those of the commission .
14 This may be distressing not only to the child and his or her parents but also to the unit staff who have got to know the pupil well .
15 Furthermore , these changes have spread to not only the more isolated areas but also to the protected landscapes of national parks .
16 It would extend not only to appeals to the Visitors but also to any other court proceedings reasonably incurred .
17 Since Hitler 's accession to the German chancellorship in January 1933 , Stalin had concluded that international fascism , which hitherto he had interpreted as the herald of capitalist collapse , posed a threat after all , not only to the left within European countries but also to the survival of the Soviet Union itself .
18 The basic similarity between cells refers not only to their general plan but also to their genetic endowment .
19 This points not only to a severe differential in the quality of jobs between north and south but also to a differential in their rate of job growth over time .
20 ( 1.3 ) The possible argument consists in the premiss ( 1 ) that decisions and the like are taken to be effects but also to be no more than events which follow on conditions which are required for them , the further premiss ( 2 ) that it is to be presumed that we have a single conception of effects rather than several , and the conclusion ( 3 ) that all effects , including what have been called standard effects , are merely events preceded by conditions required for them .
21 However , any such fresh application for bail will be subject to this ; that the presumption in favour of the granting of bail under section 4(1) of the Act of 1976 will , in the case of such a defendant , be subject not only to the exceptions to the right to bail in Part I , paragraph 2 of Schedule 1 to the Act but also to the exception in paragraph 6 of that Schedule , namely :
22 That the leopard still survives across such a wide range is due not only to its remarkable gifts of concealment but also to its secretive lifestyle .
23 In chapter 2 , ‘ The Transmission of Divine Revelation ’ ( DV 7–10 ) , the sense of historical revelation continues , with repeated emphasis on the Holy Spirit , in relation not only to the apostles but also to the Church as a whole .
24 He does justice to Mountbatten 's considerable failings but also to his still more considerable qualities .
25 Allocations relate not only to borrowing but also to expenditure ( that is , loan sanction is given in line with expenditure allocations ) and are determined nationally to meet government public expenditure targets .
26 The long years he spent absorbed in working for the abolition of untouchability and for the reconciliation of Muslim and Hindu , and in innumerable projects of village uplift , testified not only to his genuine goodness but also to the strength of his desire to make India , in the eyes of its alien rulers as well as his own , worthy to be free .
27 IN WCM July 1991 , Steven Lynch commented on the BBC 's maddening policy of interrupting live cricket with hourly visits not only to the national newsroom but also to the weatherman and the local newsdesk .
28 The decision was seen as representing a setback not only to Hoechst but also to other large West German chemical concerns , such as Bayer and BASF .
29 ( c ) The Act applies not only to land and buildings but also to fixed and moveable structures , including any vehicle or aircraft ( s. 1(3) ( a ) ) .
30 This applies not only to books and films but also to the use of patents and licences for industrial and technological products .
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