Example sentences of "[noun] but you [be] " in BNC.

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1 For example , if your working week is Monday to Friday but you are sick Friday , Saturday and Sunday you must notify the whole absence .
2 Well he come up last Friday but you were n't in .
3 I 'm not gon na hit the roof but you 're not well , it 's not right .
4 If the existing carpet is in reasonable condition but you 're sick to death of it you could add rugs to cheer it up .
5 So you , you were in a sense equalizing land ownership but you were not equalizing incomes .
6 ‘ You look like an angel but you 're helping to destroy another woman without turning a hair .
7 When it comes to choosing cavalry you have fewer options than with infantry but you are still spoiled for choice compared to most armies .
8 It may be that the government has a proportion of the blame but you 're not surely condoning teachers who have these problems being up in front of children in the classroom ?
9 You are more independent , you 're contributing , not only helping and doing in the home but you 're bringing in some money as well .
10 You may still be a child but you are the only person in this dreadful place who understands the meaning of care .
11 So in some states it 's sixteen , in some states it 's eighteen , in some states twenty one er and Reagan thought it would be quite a good idea if they had uniformity across America er in which , you know , that they would raise the drinking age to twenty one er and this would then er reduce the incidence of teenage drunk driving and if you 've ever been in an American bar you will know you 're very often funnily enough they do n't ask me so much these days but you 're very often asked to prove your age , you know , er and you have to produce your driver 's licence and all the rest of it erm and so he increasing
12 You can see desolation but you are not part of it : the desolation being the rock and ice of the Pic de Néouvielle immediately at hand to the west .
13 The , the direct debits that you 've been paying for years but you 're not sure where they go to , that sort of thing ?
14 We will know by the first of April this year rather more than we know at the moment but you 're right it can go up and down , but there are lots of budgets in Social Services which are subject to this and it 's part of our job to try and manage that during the course of the year .
15 I 've heard about a cockatoo but you 're talking about the hens cockerels .
16 I do n't know how many of you have ever been to get tickets at Elland Road but you were advised to take a flask and sandwiches and
17 At the same time they tried other jobs , the sort of also-ran jobs the music business is full of where you never become a celebrity but you are paid union rates and allowed to stand nearby .
18 Your English teacher will supply you with ideas but you are expected to read widely using the School Library and other sources of material to further your knowledge and your reading skills .
19 If you quite like the sound of acupuncture but you 're a wimp when it comes to needles , think instead about Shiatsu-Do .
20 ‘ They say you should have gone to the very top in the army after the war but you were stopped .
21 ‘ I should slap you for that remark but you 're not worth soiling my hands with .
22 When it was over Janet came into the room and said : ‘ We found a small tumour but you are very lucky because it 's at the preliminary stage .
23 Nicola I I mean I I totally take your story on board but you are a nurse
24 That would worry me if I was a Labour Party member because you have got a good case but you are not putting it across in a way that convinces doctors themselves .
25 Right I put this together ah very quickly just before you came in , I thought it would be useful to get some feedback on the education the two educational events that have taken place so far , now unfortunately I could n't go to Topping Printing but you were there Ann
26 ‘ Look , sonny , it sticks out a mile that you want to get something off your chest but you 're scared to hell what will happen to you if you do .
27 All , you think it 's got something to do with herbs but you 're not sure .
28 They could n't tell you off for not turning off the lights but you were n't meant to be out of your dorm or even out of bed .
29 just say you do n't know her name but you 're it 's a woman .
30 First off , you drive a cab but you 're not a licensed Hackney Carriage . ’
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