Example sentences of "[noun] he might [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Anne , true friend that she was , would never give in to him and reveal where the cottage was situated , no matter what bullying tactics he might employ .
2 Lyons , in fact , would support this view and , whatever other characteristics he might attribute to literacy , or to specific language-systems such as English , he would not associate them with lack of ambiguity , as do Hildyard , Olson and Greenfield .
3 ‘ I told him that he is violent , has mistreated her very badly , have been trigger happy and whatever kindness he might have done for her he had cancelled by beatings and threats he had made on her life .
4 He spoke in a flat monotone , suppressing all the emotion he might have felt .
5 The Queen 's Bench held that he had offended because in the future he might wish to tender for council house construction .
6 With a little more coaching he might get the knack .
7 Keith realizes Goliath has padded his because it simply has not crossed his mind he might lose .
8 This guy when he the policeman spoke to him afterwards , his words to the policeman Now let's bear in mind he might have been in shock .
9 A friend seeing him off from New York on Sunday gave him this to relieve the tension he might face here .
10 As anyone but Richard himself might have predicted , the palpable , screaming existence of his daughter , Holly , assuaged whatever doubts he might have had about his readiness for parenthood .
11 Even if I allow him to scribble down a few paragraphs of his own fiction ( and I do not see why I should ) it still follows that any words he might write must in the first instance be composed by me .
12 I suppose if Rupert had not been a bear he might have been considered prissy , like Noddy .
13 Franco not only did not do so but , on the following day , requested Sperrle to send any spare aircraft he might have to the Madrid front .
14 For more bullish clients he might suggest a maximum of 25 p.c. of the monthly saving could go into a Pep .
15 He was firm in saying that devaluation was no solution but imprecise as to what further action he might take to prevent it .
16 God knew what harm he might do !
17 It was not the harm he might do himself but the slips he might make along the way which alerted Emlyn .
18 Otherwise , Kovacevich was well wide of the mark and if he respects this work he might contemplate putting it away for a few years before reconsidering its interpretation .
19 This will be a normal working day for the man and after work he might go off to the pub for a drink with his mates .
20 He had n't dared to dwell on her in those aging arms lest his rage should drive him to deeds he might regret for the rest of his life .
21 to make the responses he might ask of me
22 She had the feeling that at any second he might get up and walk around her , judging her from all angles in much the same manner as one assessed the points of a horse , and she lifted her chin , staring at him coolly .
23 In Jones ( M ) v Jones ( R R ) [ 1971 ] 1 WLR 840 an agreed court order said that the liquidator of a company was to appoint any expert he might select to value the company 's machinery .
24 I 've thought about him a great deal and have a plan he might find useful .
25 Here houses looked to me like Monopoly chips : seeing a man cycling over the pathless tundra I scanned hopelessly for a possible point of reference he might have .
26 In another mood he might have been goaded to further efforts by her extremely obvious , even insulting , indifference , but now , if anything , he was inclined to give her credit for it .
27 But , in the Hallowe'en Novices ' Chase he might need to eat a whole mine , to beat Dusty Miller , another Festival scorer .
28 It would be the perfect private situation in which Tim might be ready to explain himself , and Oliver would be there to witness any confession he might make .
29 He told the judge he might think that was ‘ a very sorry state of affairs ’ but that was Community law .
30 Under ordinary circumstances he might have got the second but they responded to his aggression with speed and efficiency , bottling him up again with a hail of bullets — bullets fired from very close range .
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