Example sentences of "[noun] he could [prep] " in BNC.

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1 With Süssmayr 's help , he did what work he could on the Requiem , completing the Introitus in full score , and sketching the bulk of the rest , to the end of the Hostias , in short score ( giving only details of instrumentation ) .
2 He offered Helen Martini , as Chairman of the Parents ' Action Committee , whatever help he could in the campaign to get the children home , and to ensure that a full judicial inquiry was held .
3 He found our monastic rule hard to bear so spent every second he could in the library . ’
4 At the House of Commons he could at least rely upon one of the whips to put him in a cab , and pay the driver .
5 they asked him to remember all the things he could about the trip from earth .
6 Said Munge was short , stocky and usually impassive , though like all Somalis he could on occasion get worked up .
7 through drink he could of been a really brilliant football player he could of made a lot of money and
8 Then Great-Grandad would drive the lot down to Barnard Castle to get the best price he could in the market place .
9 Bossard was sentenced to 21 years ' imprisonment and once again it seems that the Russians were willing to sacrifice an agent , probably because Bossard had given them all the details he could of the American rocket-guidance systems , in order to enhance the credibility of Top Hat so that he could continue peddling disinformation .
10 He had a cup of tea , he listened to their story and took down what description he could of the intruders .
11 I saw a school essay containing the word ‘ yrnetn ’ for wire netting ; and only the other day the Independent Magazine carried an advertisement for Philips Dictation Systems with the interesting sentence : ‘ In the time it took Dickens to write A Tale of Two Cities he could of told us a dozen more . ’
12 Despite this obstacle , Sturt was determined to press ahead with the expedition , and on 19 May he appealed to Gould to exert any pressure he could on Lord Derby to encourage his son , Lord Stanley — who was then Secretary of State for the Colonies — to back the proposal .
13 This error proved to be nearly the last straw needed to break his credit , since he had raised every cent he could in order to invest in land for building .
14 He was a good-looking man with his jet-black hair and intimidating jawline , but she had encountered any number far more handsome , yet none had stirred her the way he could with a single glance from those incredible eyes .
15 through drink he could of been a really brilliant football player he could of made a lot of money and
16 The old man had gone to stay with relatives for a few days , and Dorothy wondered if I would water her houseplants , because he ( Leo ) wanted to spend all the time he could with her at the hospital .
17 He was simply aware that Gabriel 's allegiance had changed , that he spent all the spare time he could with Lucie and the girl , and that he no longer believed he was an angel .
18 James had to take what comfort he could from such events , for with the failure of ‘ The Fifteen ’ his prestige in Europe had been greatly diminished , and the Duke of Orleans even threatened to arrest him if he did not leave France .
19 He took what comfort he could from France 's declaration of war on England on 4 March , followed by George II 's counter-declaration on the 29th , which gave the attempted invasion of his kingdom , not unreasonably , as a casus belli .
20 But to do the miller justice he could with almost equal truth reply : ‘ Yes , maybe .
21 He was also confronted by continuing obstruction and hostility from Roosevelt , the US State Department , and Churchill ( though by this stage he could at least count on some support from the Foreign Office ) .
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