Example sentences of "[noun] by some [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In a similar vein , Stuart Holland noted that ‘ it takes time to win the intellectual appreciation by some trade unionists that these policies would be useful and to achieve that gut reaction by trade unionists that they are absolutely essential .
2 Any news story announcing a crackdown is suspect , usually the product of an unattributable briefing by some politician .
3 However , since then , Walsh , Gloucestershire 's beneficiary for 1992 , has not only enjoyed the best Test match spell of his career but , in revitalised fashion , he has been the early pace-setter by some margin in the English first-class bowling averages .
4 It would be an absurd simplification to claim that the stereotypes were part of a deliberate plot to conceal ideological contradictions by Some form of crude scapegoating .
5 ( That 's how you discover the odd rude word that 's been written on the script by some joker , before the VIP inadvertently reads it out . )
6 In terms of the law of tort , the risk theory contemplates either a strict liability scheme of compensation , in which the government would bear the initial burden of compensation , or a no-fault scheme in which the individual is insured against loss by some form of insurance ( perhaps tax-based ) .
7 There are two broad categories : ( 1 ) where the object is to generate more work by some system of cross-referral in particular fields , though such arrangements are difficult to sustain over a long period if member firms wish to retain their independence and separate profitability .
8 Lords temporal were not mustered as members of the county community : it would never have done for ‘ my lord ’ to be paraded on the village green by some Dogberry and Verges , even a Justice Shallow , made to line up with Mouldy , Shadow , Wart and the rest , to be handed over to a red-nosed , pot-bellied mercenary captain , to be abused and maybe put on a charge by his blustering subordinates , and finally
9 He may have some that he did not use last year , or he may have become interested in a topic in the syllabus that has been given a new twist by some research ( perhaps his own ) .
10 In this case long term aid would also have to include ending the civil war by some form of intervention if necessary .
11 The opposition to Ershad remained fragmented and divided during 1989 , in spite of appeals by some opposition figures for a united front against him .
12 There 's no going back from Grey 's capture — not until time has dulled the sting , at least , and made it possible to mention peace without being called a traitor by some city haberdasher in the commons .
13 The problem arises where a debtor is required by a creditor to provide security for his indebtedness ; the debtor and creditor agree that the security will be provided by some third party ; the relationship between the debtor and the third party , typically husband and wife , makes it likely that the third party 's assistance will be forthcoming ; the debtor procures the third party 's consent by some material misrepresentation or by exerting undue pressure or influence of some kind ; the third party signs the necessary security documents without any independent advice and without any explanation from the creditor of the true effect of the documents ; the third party subsequently , as a defence to the creditor 's attempt to enforce the security documents , contends that he or she was induced to sign by the debtor 's material misrepresentation , or did not properly understand the import of the documents , or that his or her consent was not a true consent having regard to influence or pressure exerted by the debtor .
14 Estimates of Middlesbrough 's potential loss are being put as high as £200,000 by some insurance sources .
15 It seems to me that there are a number of satellites ( labels like 4AD , Mute , Factory , Play it Again Sam , Product Inc , Blast First , plus various hip hop , house and electro producers whose work has very little to do with the human ) , satellites bound to Planet Pop by some kind of gravitational attraction , yet estranged by the nature of their practices ( the lost spirit of ‘ 67 and ‘ 79 ) .
16 and ‘ Then , while the earth shall be cast upon the Body by some standing by … . ’ .
17 The traditional role of governments in the UK has been to ease the pressures on both companies and individuals by some form of intervention — subsidies , loans or payments etc .
18 Humans are also prone to excuse their habits by hi jacking what they believe to be scientific objectivity and fact , or retrospectively to justify their ambitions by some gobbledygook about making a contribution to nature .
19 If you try to do the sums and ask could you do all those changes simply by sort of species going one way and the other relative to these changes erm in their origins and then those species which happen to be in the right direction being selection by some kind of species selection , I think the answer is you just ca n't make the sums add up right .
20 This mode represents the ultimate ‘ deregulation ’ , always supposing that service by some official of the state of destination is required .
21 Many scholars expect that in the future everything will be saved from information systems , and access will be provided via networks by some form of query language .
22 The reason for this excursus is obscure ; it may be due to the protection accorded to Posidonius by some descendant of Marcellus .
23 However , since maintenance schemes often involve dredging and considerable tree removal , their impact on river habitat makes nonsense of the long-cherished claim by some river engineers that river maintenance is too minor an affair to concern environmentalists .
24 I dare say you read in the paper she had been attacked last week by some pervert . ’
25 Yet he is included quite correctly on the Bayeux memorial to the missing as belonging to the S.A.S. By some error , however , his name is omitted altogether from the Edinburgh University war memorial under the arches of the Old Quad , where daily we used to meet .
26 All we can do is to try and insure against the possibility of ill-judged disposal by some sort of division of labour .
27 However by applying combinations of other algorithms , it may be possible to take some relatively simple steps towards improving existing recognition rates by some kind of error correction system .
28 This resulted in the imposition of controls on the import of British beef by some member states , although this was contrary to EC law on free movement .
29 It follows that the taking of a patient 's life by some conduct deliberately designed with the primary intention of bringing about his death is unlawful , whether it be at the patient 's request or without his knowledge or consent .
30 We walked slowly through narrow , sloping streets , covered from the sky by some kind of matting .
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