Example sentences of "[noun] with a [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Draw a pentagon with a with a ruler .
2 That 's it C O A T bit like cat with a with an O in it coat .
3 What you have here is basically a single neuron with a of weights , the weights on the circles here are the binary elements in the random access memory .
4 You know you might do road safety with a with an angle on , I du n no
5 And he used to have a small piece of stick with a on the end of it , cut from er a tree or a bush .
6 And er they drew their truncheons , that I 'd never seen before , policemen with truncheons , er and they started to run and everybody else started to run , and I forgot there was a puppy dog , this puppy dog it it chased it chased towards the er p policemen , and started er barking and d and carrying on , and one of the policemen did no more than thump it straight across the top of the head with a with a truncheon , and er and that was the end of the puppy .
7 Seven o'clock tonight it 's er Radio Nottingham Sport and it 's Colin on tonight , and er John from ten until midnight with a behind the scenes look at This Is Your Life with Roy and John 's talking to Geoff as well who 's er a painter of reproductions of art history .
8 All I would say with regard to that is is it would seem to the regional office that consideration of those proposals that were in conflict with a with an approved development plan would be erm more easily facilitated if there was an approved strategic context against which they could be judged .
9 We 're looking at extremes with a with a situation here
10 This yard was just a kind of higgledy-piggledy yard with a with a a wall along there where you 're standing and a few lean-tos .
11 And you used to be ab well you used to be able to over the flames of the fire on one side , and then er a saucepan on the other on the in one side with your vegetables in one side , with your potatoes in and then you used to have your oven with a for your meat .
12 Er , to start off with they do the full spiritual exercise of Ignatius Loyal all takes thirty days in silent retreat with a with an individual er under individual guidance with a , with a , a director or it could take anything from nine months to eighteen months to do in er day da da da living in open sort of retreat .
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