Example sentences of "[noun] on [coord] [vb -s] " in BNC.

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1 The porter stops a couple of paces on and says , ‘ Paul . ’
2 joined the team on and works alongside the men , clearing straw and driving the loader as well as checking in the deliveries .
3 He puts his glasses on and looks at it .
4 In Polyscope , the faculty newspaper stacked in bins by the Polytechnique 's front doors and on the tables of the cafeteria and the first-floor lounge , a cartoon strip portrayed a classroom of agitated students , toques on and satchels at the ready , held in their seats by a teacher marking on the blackboard IL RESTE 30 SECONDES — ‘ 30 seconds remaining ’ — the end of the academic year !
5 The subject of whether or not the situation in Golding 's ‘ Lord of the Flies ’ would have been different had girls been on the island is very difficult to reach a decision on and depends on many things .
6 Broomfield gets under everyone 's feet , but soldiers on and ends up with a revealing , funny film about the petty power plays and outsize egos of showbiz .
7 Broomfield gets under everyone 's feet , but soldiers on and ends up with a revealing , funny film about the petty power plays and outsize egos of showbiz .
8 Marie pulls her boots on and says she 's going out to get some fags .
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