Example sentences of "[noun] on [noun] then " in BNC.

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1 So that 's subject to Robert getting confirmation on Sunday then .
2 How anyone could thread bits of bread on hooks then snag the poor buggers in the crop and just reel them in I 'll never understand .
3 Er no because if you have a hundred hundreds of these arriving on the er on the doorstep on Monday then you need to er know exactly which company they 've got to go into .
4 Ignoring , for the present , the body forces , consider any area S in the body with normal n , and let Q be a point on S. Then in statics it is shown that any system of forces acting on a body can be reduced to the sum of a force F , say , and a couple G acting at the point Q. In the limit of infinitesimal area the ratio F/S tends to a limit — , the traction at Q , while in classical elasticity the ratio G/S is supposed to vanish .
5 The male penguin might just have calculated that if you 're stuck in the Antarctic for years on end then the cleverest thing to do is stay at home minding the egg while you send the female off to catch fish in the freezing waters .
6 But I know , too , that if it is a dry day on Saturday then I shall have to do it all over again .
7 How were things on Friday then ?
8 Fears that Steffi Graf 's foot injury was worse than first thought , were allayed after the defending women 's champion put in six hours of practice at Wimbledon on Saturday then practised for two hours yesterday at a club in west London .
9 But if that hysteria does no more than feed the seemingly insatiable appetite for publications on microcomputers then it will have been a waste to have trundled the IT bandwagon around Britain .
10 Madam Speaker I am sure that my right honourable friend the Chancellor 's proposals to er reduce the burden of national insurance contributions will have a very beneficial effect er on employment a and on businesses but er if members opposite and er the honourable gentleman er says what he thinks clearly , if members opposite are arguing that higher public expenditure and higher taxation will have an impact on employment then he 's absolutely right .
11 Michael at Cat 's Whiskers set hair on rollers then loosened the curls into ringlets
12 But when allowance was made for the influences of all the other planets on Mercury then there was a residual precession unaccounted for of 43′ per century , as shown for 200 centuries in Figure 7.1 .
13 Very unlikely if it is properly controlled in terms of deposition of materials on site then certainly at two miles I do n't believe there will be a problem .
14 So you 'll give me a call on Thursday then ?
15 If there is insufficient information on quantum then steps should be taken to recover the pursuer 's Medical Records , such further wages information as is required and so forth , if necessary by Specification of Documents .
16 What about the situation on claims then ?
17 Can I wear Nuform on Tuesday then ? ’
18 This prevented his release on parole then or at the end of his sentence in 1991 .
19 If schools were free of all restrictions on curriculum then the best schools , offering the best courses and getting the best results , would be the ones that succeeded .
20 Yes , I had all the other feelings of distress and fear , I thought of the world at war , I remembered the last war of 1914 — 18 when I was still a schoolboy and I had experienced the air raids on London then .
21 If the delegation is absolute and unconditional then the electorate can not be sovereign ; if it delegates its power on trust then Parliament can not be sovereign .
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