Example sentences of "[noun] that we [be] " in BNC.

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1 We will just , let's , let's threaten him that , that might be a course of action that we 're gon na have to re we will have , we will have
2 In South America , too , there were no true dogs or cats during the long period of isolation that we are discussing but , as in Australia , there were marsupial equivalents .
3 The card that we 're issued with .
4 Whereas most of the models today that we think of we regard them as a mixture of the two but with a he and , depending on the type of or the piece of perception that we 're working on , we have either one the other .
5 The other thing that tends to throw people the first time they every do ad advocacy is that you 're going to talk to somebody who will not talk to you , who will not s possibly even smile at you , who wo n't give you the usual feedback that we 're u that we 're used to when we 're talking to someone .
6 ‘ We are totally convinced as a committee that the losses that we are facing — losses on an unprecedented scale — are a result of reckless and negligent underwriting , ’ said Mr Nutting .
7 I think it 's , our feelings are quite strong about this , in this contest that we 're having with the Town Hall , that er , having exposed the five percent in the first place , we have had particular innovation about five B , being articulated as well .
8 ‘ The aim is to show the kids that we are in the new Europe , that the Dutch children are n't far away and that we are all one . ’
9 ‘ The first thing I did when I came out was try to explain to the kids that we were n't bad people .
10 After a couple of hours the German lady and I were so choked with emotion that we were scarcely able to speak .
11 just trying to sort out this business of this the offices that we 're being let in the Strand Theatre that er people are moving in this week and they 've got no authority to move you see .
12 This time it is not a natural parting of the ways like leaving school that has happened ; rather , an unexpected factor , for example some form of incurable disease or sudden death through illness or accident has occurred , which propels us into a significant loss that we are not prepared for .
13 ‘ There was a feeling of disappointment that we were held to a draw in Bruges and the atmosphere in the dressing room at the Olympiastadion only lifted after we heard that Marseille had suffered the same result against CSKA , ’ said McCall .
14 But in the same way that the sexual act is losing its meaning , in pub scene , or baroque interior , or city flat , with the result that we are brought to question whatever meaning it once may seem to have possessed , so in The Waste Land the rituals of religion appear also to be failing .
15 It is not surprising , therefore , that incomes have dropped severely during the last few years , with the result that we are now beginning to see signs of dereliction .
16 Such a precedent does not exist and will not be established under the relatively minor privatisation programme that we are discussing today .
17 There is good potential for straw as a fuel source , so long as we continue the important research and development programme that we are currently commissioning .
18 And before I even started , he called me over and he was the sort of person who , when he signalled you over , you tended to go over there , and he said here , it says here on this programme that we 're finishing at four thirty .
19 Does my right hon. Friend agree that those figures sit ill with the , I am sure honourable , argument of the Opposition that we are trying to close the health service ?
20 We can allow for this effect by dropping the two from the strength equation which we have just derived , bearing in mind that we are in no position to quibble about exact values .
21 But you have to bear in mind that we are doctors , and as such we should really do what we 're trained to do — and are expected to do . ’
22 Now the planning application is for Waste Regulation rests with this Authority and I would emphasise that to members here that wh if you 're looking at the sites you must bear in mind that we are the waste Site Planning Application Authority and that you can not go and make progress in any direction without it coming to Committee here and I would hope that officers would bear in mind the sensitivity which has already been mentioned in agenda today but members will find that these applications er are addressed in their own district , in their own divisions .
23 ‘ You have to bear in mind that we are coming off a very low base , ’ said Mr Heather .
24 They can have a lot respect for the women who are working against male violence and we can just keep it in mind that we 're moving towards , not the same place , but roughly speaking we have the same visions .
25 I think it 's also worth just bearing in mind that we 're talking about only one percent of the erm of the farmed land i in this county , we 're not talking about banning hunting in in er in Leicestershire , we 're talking about what we 're saying on one percent there are tens of thousand of fields in in this county nothing can change overnight , even if this er motion goes through because the tenants will still have the rights to decide , it 's only when you actually start getting to new tenancy agreements that you will be in a position if you wish , to start to change things and therefore I suppose at the end of erm , at the end of five years you might have a hundred or two hundred fields on which this ban will apply but you will still have tens of thousand of fields on which the , the hunt will still be , the hunts in this county will still be free to , erm , to operate .
26 But we have to keep in mind that we 're not gon na let service levels deteriorate so
27 Shifty-eyes had probably made up his mind that we were going to shoot him !
28 It was really extremely hazardous , and as we stood there peering vainly into the blanket of fog it did cross my mind that we were all quite crazy .
29 ‘ I made up my mind that we were going to get married , and nothing was going to make me change my mind .
30 It was only through my presence of mind that we were saved from a frightful scandal . ’
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