Example sentences of "[noun] that she [be] " in BNC.

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1 And it were n't hurting him at all but it was making her feel sick thinking that she was hurting him like .
2 I 've thumped it into your ears that she 's mine and she 'll remain mine .
3 But one look at the lacklustre picture presented by the normally spirited Harriet convinced Meredith that she was not even aware the protesters were there , let alone that she had approached so close .
4 One of the Great Danes was simultaneously clambering into my lap , trying to get all four legs fitted into the available footage , under the delusion that she was some other size .
5 It was a continuation of her misguided perception that she was a world power and had to protect her Commonwealth and maintain an independent presence in the world .
6 He looked vaguely at her , and quickly and intently at his watch ; but at least he had returned to the consciousness that she was present .
7 It seems to be saying that the Queen of Hell , separating from the Sacred Bride/Divine Mother , becoming the Boar , fusing with Adonis , transforming him to Tarquin , and then destroying the Sacred Bride/Divine Mother under the illusion that she is the Queen of Hell , is the perpetuum mobile of the Equation . ’
8 The illusion that she was a spectator , and this was the play , was making her lose touch with reality ; and making her forget the enormity of her present predicament .
9 Jess felt such a deep sense of disappointment that she was startled by it .
10 Now he felt disappointment that she was behaving so predictably .
11 A hostess in tight teeshirt and jeans lingers only long enough to assure Kate discreetly with her eyes that she is not poaching on her territory , smiles velvetly at Jeremy , brings them their drinks .
12 He could see by her awkward stance and darting eyes that she was acutely embarrassed .
13 She never knew how long she slept , but when she drifted back to consciousness she was aware even before opening her eyes that she was no longer alone in the room , and her body stiffened .
14 I , I , something floated in front of my eyes that she was thinking of applying on part time for the complaint examiner , but she did n't .
15 And then only , gently rolled off the seat that she was sitting on and tried to crawl the way back !
16 With reports in wide circulation that she was amassing a multi-million fortune at the rate of £620,000 a month , Kylie was also able to indulge in her passion for shopping .
17 Although she was astute enough to understand this on a logical basis , it took several sessions of counselling and therapy to convince Myra 's subconscious mind that she was in no way to blame and that she had behaved naturally and in total innocence .
18 What Sylvia had accomplished while doing her homework was to convince her subconscious mind that she was quite capable of entering an enclosed space without fear ; and since it is the subconscious which is responsible for sending out all those panic signals — the racing heart , the sweating palms , the feelings of nausea and so on — those symptoms did not appear .
19 Anyway , he had given her enough money to have the baby comfortably ; and she had already made up her mind that she was n't going to have it adopted .
20 There was little doubt left in her mind that she was pregnant .
21 Is it possible that in 1943 or 1944 she would have told him , liberated Parisienne that she was , the details ?
22 She prayed steadily , all those seventeen years , for guidance , for confirmation that she was still fulfilling divine purpose , and was only interrupted at last by her mother 's voice , demanding in a querulous letter that Isobel should come home and nurse her while she died — as she had been told she soon would — of cancer .
23 And after phoning Julie , who had agreed to join her in Devon , she 'd also been heartened by her friend 's confirmation that she was doing the right thing .
24 She must be re-living her sad memories with such concentration that she was somehow passing them on to him .
25 Anne Marie and that girlfriend that she 's going about with today .
26 Whatever , she certainly would n't have been experiencing the gut-wrenching tension that she was feeling now .
27 When it closed , a statuesque elderly lady in curly grey hair , several laps of necklaces and a sweeping gown that may have been bombazine ( a word I have often pondered over ) showed clearly by her bold carriage that she was a power behind the Kenny throne .
28 Anna thinks the safest thing is to hide from the stranger that she 's seen approaching her farm .
29 In case you 're not fluent in Japanese , Katharine Over is telling her friend Lucy that she 's about to join the Prime Minister on a diplomatic mission .
30 An elderly English lady , with a tendency to pre-war propriety , who told me on the Friday that she was afraid it would all be ‘ another load of pretentious American rubbish ’ , said on Sunday that she had learned to open up for the first time in her life .
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