Example sentences of "[noun] that had got " in BNC.

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1 Part of her , that stubborn , spirited side , the side that had got her into this mess in the first place , would n't let her give up , back out and admit that Luke Denner and his sexuality were more than she could handle .
2 complained how he says I 've got one of his and I had n't got it , it 's Linda that had got it .
3 The rowing boat near the weir — only this time they had gone too far and Uncle Albert was not strong enough to row them back to safety ; the study at Uncle Albert 's house looking warm and friendly and inviting ; the professor beetle shouting rude instructions at some little beetles that had got into difficulty ; again a glimpse of her uncle 's study ; then a turnstile — one of those that only turn one way , so once you have passed through it you ca n't get back ; playful light beams now shrieking with fear as they hurtle past the window to their destruction ; walking up the down-escalator and not being able to get anywhere ; yet another brief snatch of the study …
4 He had a beard that had got slightly out of hand , growing a little longer on one side : he twisted the hairs into tiny Bluebeard curls ; there was something in his face — a certain quality — that seemed ingrained , weathered in .
5 Hungover traders spent most of the day creaming off profits on earlier high-risers , or hoovering up stocks that had got left behind .
6 I 'd come along Road and up Lane into Street to a shop that had got rabbits in the window .
7 I used to walk along there to see these rabbits I think the name was and they , it was a barber 's shop that had got these sold all sorts of pet things and that I used to , then I used to come home that was my Saturday morning , but I always used to go in up to the news line .
8 And there was the erm there was a top called the window breaker , and it was a special top that had got a long stem on it and a big round like a mushroom , it was like a mushroom almost .
9 She broke off , her face rapt as she remembered some of the things she 'd seen , some of the things that had got to her .
10 I knew exactly what I was looking for , they had to be here somewhere , the one and only pair of knickers left uncontaminated in that disastrous load at the launderette , the stuff that had got washed along with that bargain-price bright-pink non-fast Indian-cotton mini-skirt from C&A .
11 But if you did n't have an A licence , most firms that had got their own vehicles could get a C licence which allowed them to keep th take their own goods in er er that they used for their own practices to wherever they were going to but did n't y allow you to take anybody else 's .
12 Those people that had found ways of structuring their time , of organising themselves round routines , or having particular sorts of appointments to make _ and this could take many forms , like , for example , just getting up early in the morning to play a sport game , for example , or arranging to meet other people at particular times _ those people that had got some sort of time structure in their lives and some sorts of regular activities to carry out in their lives erm tended to be a lot less severely affected by unemployment than those people that did n't have these sorts of activities , this sort of time structure .
13 ‘ They made me feel like … some species that had got into the wrong time slot .
14 It would be easy to climb ; easier than the single rope that had got her here .
15 Was n't it likely that the thing that had got into him at the seance was really from the planet Tellenor ?
16 It , it , it just went on for a lit a short time afterwards but er , but when the war ended course things , some things changed pretty rapidly as you can appreciate but , but by this time I , I was working for Ellwells then on long distance transport and we used to have to go and fetch tractors or bulldozers that had got armour plating on from Dagenham docks and bring them up here and start selling them to civic contractors and the , the Americans were selling a lot of equipment as well at end of the war , and I saw money made overnight like , people were buying the lorries and putting them on the road you know for work and transport firms and all that and they were getting some of them for next to nothing
17 It was this latter statement that had got Agnes back into the house , because she could see her sister , in her present state devoid of any common sense , doing something drastic .
18 and the dust that had got underneath was absolutely thick
19 Yeah well changes platforms of all these trains , anyway after a bit we decided that the Redditch train was going to come in before the train , so , er they did n't change it to say it was n't going to Redditch cos once when I was doing that they said to me , the lad was it , because it 's not to ready to change that time , you would n't matter , cos oh there 's people here waiting to go to Redditch , change it , so he said oh anyway it came , the twelve six came all the young folks going to you should of seen the number that had got off
20 Only to find , first , that genuinely ill as he was , he had missed the local paper saying the psychopath had been caught , and that the compulsive liar Brenda had been telling everyone he was her lover , a rumour that had got back to his wife whose mac he had by mistake worn during the murder and had been unable to destroy .
21 In the early stages we started off with perhaps Minor schools which could almost have been Major ones , because you were just trying to find any school that had got some kind of life , or interest , or things happening … really in many ways it was rather a matter of chance because of the way it happened at the time .
22 Now it was a anti-tank weapon only you put a bottle in the tube , or a , a container that had got a i a liquid , I 've been trying to think what it is , can you tell me a liquid that bursts into fl flame when it 's exposed ?
23 next door did n't really bother me , cos once I 'd shut the door , shut the doors , it was , there was hardly any noise , but then erm the guy that had got the place , he was n't living there , lent it out to somebody else , blues , and they moved them u upstairs as well .
24 A five-pound note that had got muddled up with his handkerchief fluttered to the floor , and he looked at it accusingly , though without making a move .
25 You know , if it was a dog that was lost , if it was a cat that was lost , if it was even a pigeon that had got lost they 've got some homing device , but the sheep has n't even got that , it ca n't even find it 's own way home .
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