Example sentences of "[noun] that it did " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The fact that the Department had , in effect , advised the partnership that it did not need a licence made it difficult for the Department to point a finger of blame at them , ’ says Sir Anthony .
2 The reason that it became discredited on the scale and at the speed that it did was due to the efforts of the gentleman who introduced it , the right hon. Member for Cirencester and Tewkesbury ( Mr. Ridley ) .
3 I think we 're entitled to ask if Nottinghamshire faces those problems , what is peculiar about Leicestershire that it did face those problems but all of a sudden it does n't face those problems .
4 Dennis Bond wrote in his ‘ chronology ’ in 1639 : ‘ The 27th December there was such a wind that it did blow down divers houses and several woods .
5 The latter airlifted $2.2 billion worth of weaponry to prevent Israel 's defeat but on condition that it did not press home a counter-attack .
6 In an extreme case an authority might decide for economic , political or cultural reasons that it did not wish to make coinage , which may explain the periods mentioned above when various states abandoned coinage .
7 Nevertheless , while the Report may have rejected the reactionary normativist ideology it is also the case that it did nothing to challenge the dominant legal culture .
8 In fact , James II fell only because of the opposition he met from the Tory-Anglican interest , and although most Tory Anglicans were determined to prevent the Revolution from running the full course that it did , the eventual constitutional settlement was in much greater concordance with their principles than historians have usually recognised .
9 No , but I 'll come onto some effects that it did have in a moment .
10 Both for not being prepared , not giving the opening of this course the importance that it did deserve , and obviously for the embarrassment that er you must have felt having to sit there while I made a total fool of myself .
11 We looked in vain in Siemens AG 's first half report on Monday for any mention of its Siemens Nixdorf Informationssysteme AG computer subsidiary , and with all the dreadful economic news coming out of Germany , it began to assume the air of the dog that did n't bark : Siemens said of its overall business that it did not show any revival in the first half , and that continued economic decline affected domestic business and led to a decline in incoming orders , and there was no recovery in its foreign business ; laying it on with a trowel , Chancellor Helmut Kohl 's leading economic advisor was quoted on Tuesday as saying that German workers failed to recognise the danger of high wages in a time of recession , and that German products were too expensive for world markets as wage increases outpaced growth in productivity , and earlier , Siemens Nixdorf had had to rebut a magazine report that its losses would be even worse this year , saying that it was certain that its results would improve this fiscal year ; the article , in Manager Magazin , also said that Siemens was looking for a replacement for Siemens Nixdorf management board chairman Hans-Dieter Wiedig , and added that plans to reduce the workforce to 41,000 by 1995 from 47,200 at the end of February could well be accelerated .
12 The councillors argued that the company traditionally expatriated such large profits to the UK that it did not merit its share of about £150,000 of the grant .
13 But , in the UUAC there was unanimity that it did not wish to preside over that kind of success .
14 Er Mr also made the point that er urban regeneration erm no longer seems to have the emphasis that it did have .
15 However , although it is very likely that the British industrial revolution would have occurred without these funds , it is difficult to imagine that Britain would have achieved the kind of scale and pace of industrial development that it did without access to these funds and to the markets provided by the colonies .
16 But there is only scattered evidence that it did until the later nineteenth century .
17 This latter point is not intended to imply that scientists have suddenly ‘ got God ’ ; rather that they have generally refused to admit that , if some event is widely reported in religious writings , there is a very good chance that it did in fact happen .
18 This means that , should the project have a successful outcome , there is a 0·9 chance that the additional research supported this outcome and 0·1 chance that it did not .
19 Conversely , if the project fails there is a 0·2 chance that the additional research supported it and a 0·8 chance that it did not .
20 This means that , should the project have a successful outcome , there is a 0.9 chance that the additional research supported this outcome and 0.1 chance that it did not .
21 Conversely , if the project fails there is a 0.2 chance that the additional research supported it and a 0.8 chance that it did not .
22 The Brotherhood said after al-Masri 's appointment that it did not wish to participate in a government likely to make territorial concessions to Israel .
23 The lily grew so fast that each day it filled twice the amount of space that it did the day before .
24 That gives America opportunities to work with the Soviets that it did not have in the past .
25 Dr Clarke contends that while Keynesianism was overthrown on the pretext that it did not ‘ work ’ , the collapse was political rather than theoretical .
26 The plan was adopted by the social services committee after officials assured members that it did not contravene the 1986 Local Government Act , which outlaws the promotion of homosexuality in schools or by published material .
27 I knew nothing about the realities of proper soldiering , and to counterbalance the tedium and boredom of my small-time life , I surrounded the idea of the French Foreign Legion with a cocoon of glamour that it did n't possess .
28 It was largely due to his powers as an organiser that the Belfast mission achieved the success that it did .
29 The process did n't perturb him for the simple reason that it did n't repel Willie .
30 Correct two points Hungary had no navy for the simple reason that it did not and does not have a sea .
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