Example sentences of "[noun] that [vb past] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Expelled from the Commons as a result of giving false statements , he was returned unopposed in 1734 for Great Grimsby , a venal borough that had elected other disreputable financiers and in which Sutton owned considerable property .
2 The moral values of the Protestant religion that had fuelled Bacon 's belief that science would enable humankind to dominate Nature were reformulated , not abandoned .
3 Sad to say , the neighbourhood had been pulled down as ‘ a slum ’ in 1927 , a council action that had staggered the rest of Galway .
4 And when Parliament eventually turned back the tide of opposition to Eyre and voted financial support to the former Governor , it was poetically appropriate that those who had been most vocal in their support for the Garotter 's Act — such as Mr Adderley and the rampant Colonel North — should be in the thick of it again , shouting their praise for Eyre 's loyalty to the Crown and his firm action that had saved a colony .
5 At the same time , a nasty backward glance , a creeping suspicion suggested a consultation with Anderson might have been a wise idea before taking the practical action that had ended in such discouraging disaster …
6 Quite the opposite to the calm peacefulness that had existed in Heymouth prior to the flood .
7 Of course he had asked her if she was quite certain and she said she was , quite certain , but now he wondered if it was mere association that had made her agree , association and horror .
8 Formulation of Labour Government policies to support the Third Pillar — the projection and protection of British interests overseas — needed least reorientation of traditional British military thinking that had evolved from three centuries of global geo-political experience .
9 I have run ahead of chronology however and in particular of the First World War , which the peoples that had entered it as parts of the Empire ended as free-standing independent nations .
10 Chesarynth washed , stuffed her torn and dirty hospital gown into the recycling chute and stole another , even brushed her hair ( she checked again ; no tower growing through her skull yet ) and then had to find a place to hide the dead leaves and twigs that had cascaded from the tangles .
11 As soon as she reached the club , as soon as she was back in the public eye , she would have to switch on the false persona that had carried her through the past week .
12 That weeping was his weeping ; the grief that had overwhelmed him for so long .
13 But animals that had received NGF as well lost fewer cells than those that had not .
14 In order to verify his electrical recording findings , Thompson made lesions in the cerebellums of animals that had learned the conditioned eyeblink response , Rabbits that learned with their left eye and had lesions made to the left half of their cerebellum no longer blinked when they heard the tone but continued to blink to the puff of air .
15 In XVIII Corps , the three Hessian regiments of the brigade that had overwhelmed Driant in the Bois des Caures had also lost over a thousand men each .
16 These incidents are rare not only because national emergencies are mercifully infrequent , but because for much of the time there is an instinctive understanding between the governors of the broadcasting organization and the government of the nation , as the corporation 's behaviour on issues like appeasement demonstrates ; Reith succumbed to the same collective delusion that had seized Chamberlain , his foreign secretary , Halifax , and most of the population .
17 Picking up the card that had come with them , she read :
18 Was it some insensitivity in his nature that had failed to respond to the nuances of the relationship , some obtuseness of perception that had prevented him from seeing , as it still prevented him from understanding ?
19 Rory leapt back , staggered on legs that had gone half to sleep , and only just scrambled into the broom cupboard and got the door shut before the bedroom door opened .
20 With her died the chance for Sinead to exorcise the demons that had scarred her childhood and turned her into a rebel whose talent to shock would ultimately overshadow her singing ability .
21 KIM BAILEY and jockey Anthony Tory yesterday ‘ mutually agreed ’ to part after a partnership that had lasted nearly five years .
22 She shivered as she recalled the terrible blackness that had invaded her home and had clung to and coated the village on that night when she had heard the voices .
23 Suddenly it struck me that there was a flaw in the reasoning that had concentrated police inquiries on this upper part of the tidal Thames — or rather , not so much that there was a flaw in what had been worked out , but that the reasoning was incomplete .
24 It was as if there was something out there — or perhaps several somethings — struggling to break free of a force that had held them for a very long time .
25 His orders were to apply the methods that had proved so successful in Vienna to mop up the surviving Jewish influence at the heart of the Reich .
26 The ring that had seemed so small for just two men was suddenly full of ecstatic members of the Lewis camp .
27 In Canada the British not only deluded themselves that they had defeated the axiom ; they also imagined it was the federal ingredient that had enabled them to do the trick .
28 But Arsenal began to display some of the tidy , organised football that had brought them four consecutive victories and they were rewarded with a superb equaliser 16 minutes from time when Campbell latched onto Martin Keown 's long pass , ghosted past two defenders and hammered the ball home .
29 He would receive two-dimensional light signals that had travelled within the surface and he would not be directly aware of any curvature .
30 Although administered by a council , which met three times a year to review policy , it had undergone none of the post-war modernization and investment that had rescued the rest of the farming industry from the crippling effects of war .
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