Example sentences of "[noun] that [pers pn] really " in BNC.

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31 He also says things that he really does think , things that , again , are usually kept rather quiet .
32 These are the things that you really want is n't it ?
33 I like some of the heavier stuff from America : I heard a couple of things by Superchunk that I really liked , and obviously the Nirvana album was a ground-breaking record .
34 But at least there is near unanimity that we really will be out of recession by the end of the year .
35 I had a sudden pang of conscience that I really ought to tell them that the funny-looking herb on the left of their kitchen garden was not really an obscure form of ivy and on no account must they attempt to smoke its leaves .
36 ‘ It 's because she has the evidence that it really happened , ’ Stevie explained to Patrick .
37 The fires have been burning in the orchards this weekend.It was all part of ancient rites to ensure a good crop of cider apples.And there 's some evidence that it really works.Richard Barnett reports :
38 ‘ I 'm fine , ’ she replied automatically — then realised with a shock that she really was .
39 The script assumes that this is your LSTRAIN process — if it is a live process , then make sure that the user you create to do the QA is a name that you really want to sit directly under the Manager .
40 And so you through this symposium today , particularly those of you who come from South Cambridgeshire , have an opportunity to learn , and we trust that through your learning you 'll be able to educate the media that we really do exist in South Cambridgeshire .
41 Then , a bit more politely : ‘ Or is that a subtle hint that you really believe it was an accident ? ’
42 He sat back down next to her , but he still did n't look at her , and she had a sinking feeling that he really was going to tell her the truth about Nicole , but it would not be to her liking .
43 You can use the Encyclopedia without a sound card , but the audio output is of such outstanding quality that you really would be missing out on the best feature if you do n't use one .
44 ‘ Robert Johnson , Muddy Waters and Son House were the first people that I really heard .
45 We have had such a welter of lies about the NHS from people like Robin Cook that it really is astonishing that their campaign of denigration can actually be exceeded by this piece of filthy insinuation from Widgery . ’
46 I knew that Bissell had the answers that I really wanted .
47 ‘ Ever since the elections they have been revealing themselves as the neo-Nazis that they really are , ’ he said .
48 Limitations are imposed by the fact that you have to wait two months for the educational psychologist , you have to close the biology lab when it rains because it leaks and they have n't sent anyone to repair it yet , you have to apply for a short in-service course rather than the full-time MA that you really wanted to do because there are n't any secondments any more .
49 She would n't , of course , but the realization that he really wished she would , made him feel a little less guilty .
50 It is not until his second novel that he really develops the implications of this stance .
51 It 's when she lets rip with the ballads that she really shines .
52 Debbie , who is now married , says : ‘ Years later Luke confessed to friends that he really fancied me .
53 But it was in talking to a fellow tourist at the airport on the return journey that we really came down to earth .
54 Now the police authorities a and the local authorities and the magistrates may be thought to be indulging in special preening , but I do assure Your Lordships that they really are not alone in expressing their anxieties er about the er er er this bill and what it proposes , for example , if I may , I would like to refer to a letter which I received from Justice , chaired by my Noble Friend Lord Alexander of and with his Vice-chairman er er Lord and er they say as an all-party human rights organisation , Justice considers that the composition of police authorities is an important constitutional issue effecting the independence of policing .
55 It 's horrid to give up a leave that you really have earned , and I 'm sorry to have to ask you .
56 It took me a long time to accept solos at all , and to this day there are still so few lead players that I really like .
57 This leads them to see the organization as a well-defined unit and not as the heaving , changing mass with fluctuating boundaries that it really is .
58 That they have charm is undeniable , but initially their set is such a lacklustre affair that you really begin to wonder what all the fuss is about .
59 That they have charm is undeniable , but initially their set is such a lacklustre affair that you really begin to wonder what all the fuss is about .
60 And in that moment she wished with every fibre of her being that it really was possible for her to stay away .
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