Example sentences of "[noun] that [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 But he had a fixed idea in his mind that to be a bishop was not his work .
2 His public pronouncements are unequivocal in this respect , and although it is clearly not possible to accept such public pronouncements as the definitive expression of a man 's innermost beliefs and convictions , and although it is also evidently the case that to be published in L'Humanite and Ce Soir inevitably necessitates obedience to the party line , nonetheless the consistency and vigour with which Nizan presented an entirely positive view of developments within the Soviet Union are an instructive antidote to those critics desperately searching for evidence of Nizan 's growing anti-Stalinism/anti-communism during this period .
3 And already he knew in his heart that to be a vicar or a curate was not his vocation as a priest for the rest of his life .
4 In the ornate new council chamber , Mayor Murphy was trying to convince the city council that to be a real Edwardian Mayor he ought to wear mayoral robes , as they did in England ; the newly extended hospital was bracing itself for additional accident cases ; and Hank Stych stood in the airport at Calgary waiting for a local plane to take him north to Tollemarche .
5 Anyway , it 's a bit of a can of worms that to be quite honest
6 The two factors combined to foster the belief that to be a patriot a Cuban had by definition to be anti-United States .
7 It is paradoxical that this kind of censorship is really based on the belief that to be black or disadvantaged is something to be ashamed of , so that any references to such conditions have to be suppressed .
8 It 's for those reasons , sir , that the City Council feels that it can no longer support the proposed proposals for new settlement , just to come to your question about the issue of scale , I am not able to define what er small is in P P G three , it 's obviously been left deliberately vague , but I would draw your attention to the Ucwetec T P A study I 've just referred to which makes it quite clear in their terms that to be self contained in transport terms the nearest any settlement ne really needs to be in excess of twenty thousand people .
9 So convinced are such people that to be impaired is to ‘ die ’ that no amount of protestation to the contrary seems to make any difference .
10 Charles 's boyhood sufferings taught him a patience far removed from defeatism , reinforcing Christianity 's message that to be humbled was the prelude to triumph .
11 There was a growing awareness that to be Latin rather than Anglo-Saxon should not necessarily imply inferiority .
12 Therefore , the background of the factory scenes features men doing their real work but the scarved and denimed wraiths seen taking lecture notes are actors , it apparently being the Equity assumption that to be a student requires no particular talent or skill .
13 On the other hand , it was clearly preferable to the assumption that to be deprived of a child was punishment for sin .
14 ( Automatic Thought 1 may be traceable to a more wide ranging silent assumption that to be worthwhile she must get everything ‘ just right ’ . )
15 The search for goodness could take the new hero into academia and out again , despairing of its false intellectualism and its established assumption that to be intelligent is only and always to be an intellectual .
16 A : Journalists always make the assumption that to be married for a number of years is to be happily married for those years .
17 He wrote an exposition of Jesus ' saying to the rich young ruler that to be perfect he must sell all .
18 There had grown up in the Commandos a tradition that to be a tough regiment it was necessary to act tough all the time in the barracks and on leave , and they were liable to be badly dressed , ill disciplined and noisy in the streets and restaurants of Cairo .
19 DeFries had an idea that to be a star you had to act like a star so everything was first class .
20 Not because we adhere to some outdated idea that to be commercial is to be tainted and somehow of no interest , but we felt we were redressing an imbalance .
21 It would encourage the idea that to be old and disabled is not so different from being young and disabled ; that dementia is a mental illness , not an inevitable feature of old age .
22 But with the recognition that ‘ Be aware ’ prescribes responding from all relevant viewpoints , the judgement changes to condemnation of the massacres as objectively wrong on the grounds that to be moved against Hitler and on behalf of his victims would be the reaction of anyone , including Hitler himself , who responded impartially from the viewpoints of both .
23 It seemed to me obvious at the time that to be a child was safer and easier than to be adult and that , specifically , to be a girl was safer and easier than to be a woman .
24 The fact that the sentences of ( 35 ) would be marginal or outright unacceptable if to be were omitted is in itself a datum worth taking into account , along with the further fact that to be can also be inserted into the statement forms in ( 33 ) .
25 At the end of Owen 's testimony , Senator Inouye said he had received the impression that to be against the President 's policy in Central America was to be ‘ less than patriotic ’ .
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