Example sentences of "[noun] that [pron] be " in BNC.

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1 I was not wearing any special clothes , but this lady — she was from an old Lucknow family could see by my manners that I was not a common person . ’
2 A punctured car wheel that someone was repairing lay in the centre of the floor with half its inner tube hanging out like a paunched rabbit .
3 It therefore seems to the logical residents of our borough that there was a swing in Southend from the Liberal Democrats to both Conservative and to Labour .
4 Sometimes it is argued that even if researchers do not really believe in the religion that they are studying , they will get more information if they pretend to do so — if , in other words , they use covert , rather than overt , methods of investigation .
5 The problem is that many people tend to decide far too soon concerning religion that there is nothing there to search for — nothing important to be bothered about .
6 Having assessed the possibilities of the transaction , the financiers will then wish to evaluate in detail the risks that they are likely to take .
7 During his tours of the Middle and Far East Duncan Sandys was made well aware by British Governors , High Commissioners and Commanders-in-Chief of the political and military risks that he was taking ; and local political leaders , like the Tunku Abdul Rahman in Malaya and Lee Kuan Yew in Singapore , warned him of the dangers of creating power vacuums that could be exploited by the Communist powers .
8 We will just , let's , let's threaten him that , that might be a course of action that we 're gon na have to re we will have , we will have
9 refrain from taking some action that I am currently taking ?
10 If the course of action that I am suggesting and ind which is indeed consistent with the course of action I have been suggesting throughout this enquiry is to work , then I need I would suggest tomorrow is probably the absolute latest for me to get anything from you , and to give the Councils any opportunity whatsoever to make any reply to them .
11 Never threaten any action that it is not your real intention to carry out .
12 This was an action that he was to repeat many times before any true subjugation of the Saxons was achieved .
13 The maxim on which I act at any moment is the personal rule which is guiding my behaviour — for Kant it is of the essence of voluntary action that there is such a maxim in every case .
14 A spokesman said Mr Wood had opened negotiations with Standard Chartered , a London-based overseas bank , as far back as January , but only told Mr Buxton that he was leaving last Monday .
15 In South America , too , there were no true dogs or cats during the long period of isolation that we are discussing but , as in Australia , there were marsupial equivalents .
16 It is also perhaps a sign of Boiotian isolation that there were no tyrants in archaic Boiotia , and that by the Persian Wars Thebes , then the first city of Boiotia , was controlled by a dynasteia , an irresponsible family government ( Thuc. iii.62 ) .
17 A dangerous species is defined as ‘ a species ( a ) which is not commonly domesticated in the British Islands and ( b ) whose fully grown animals normally have such characteristics that they are likely , unless restrained , to cause severe damage or that any damage they may cause is likely to be severe . ’
18 The idea is that people on the street could tell at a glance that I 'm a proctor , which of course only the more informed of them can .
19 er I should imagine they 'll be singing ‘ There 'll be blue birds over the White Cliffs of Dover ’ erm ‘ I 'll be seeing you again ’ and all the songs that I 'm not quite sure of , but I 'm sure that of my readers know well .
20 It 's here , said wicked Elissia , with her light finger down Mademoiselle 's spine She gave a scream thinking that it was the spider running there .
21 And it were n't hurting him at all but it was making her feel sick thinking that she was hurting him like .
22 no I know it 's a bit early erm , but it 's not too early to start thinking that you are a world citizen , you 're not just Jayne and you 've got a contribution to make , because if you 've got this
23 He shot a 69 , three-under-par , and although it was n't leading , it did n't change my thinking that he was going to be there at the finish .
24 But er she 's coming a and gives him twenty five pounds for what he 's done oh he came in , he came into the kitchen , it 's ever so funny , he came into the kitchen to tell me about this you see Anyway he came back in there and I said to him I 'm not really enthusiastic about the thought er thinking that I was involved with this as well so the dear woman turned round and said to me it 's only your husband so I said well I 'd better go back in the kitchen where I know my place .
25 They had been told by Earl Spencer that there were sadly insufficient tickets for him to invite them , but Diana used her own allocation to ensure they were there .
26 I 've thumped it into your ears that she 's mine and she 'll remain mine .
27 So great was Rodrigo 's grief that he was almost paralysed for several weeks .
28 It is my grief that I am unable to repay at this time the money that is due .
29 ‘ The trouble with foresters , ’ said Kāli , ‘ is that they 're permanently hungry : feed them well and they 'll leave you alone : forget to and they 'll scour the entire village for evidence of green wood , musk , tār and all the other protected animals that you 're not supposed to kill .
30 Amphibians in the wild are food for so many other animals that it is not surprising that they do not always show themselves well even in confinement .
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