Example sentences of "[noun] i could not " in BNC.

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1 The only concession I could not get was leave to see him alone , but it 's plain I should have got nowhere with him even so .
2 She said : ‘ The first time I heard of a case I could not believe it .
3 In normal circumstances I would have written this information off as being about the small Green Swords which come from the Rio Sarabia , but in this case I could not , as the fish concerned had been supplied from Dr Kallman 's laboratory and were correctly named .
4 My room was on the landward side of Chapuis , so in any case I could not have watched the schooner depart .
5 I was only just able to take care of myself so further responsibility I could not take .
6 ‘ But within half and hour I could not move at all and I went to hospital .
7 Of course I could not apply for leave until I knew when Leslie would get his .
8 And of course I could not .
9 But of course I could not simply refuse to co-operate , could not walk out , could not leave poor Clements without doing my best for him .
10 In Al Ain I could not eat in the men 's majlis .
11 What is more , you are not permitted to marry , and you know it ; yet you let me spend money I could not afford to buy you a ring .
12 He said last night : ‘ This is an opportunity I could not resist .
13 Somehow he managed to make it fun , the way he made so many things fun , and , now he was either dead or else taken over by some force I could not even begin to understand , there was nothing whatsoever to keep me in the Church .
14 My family moved to Britain , and because of the distance and the expense I could not visit them .
15 Over the wide divide I could not recall who I had once been .
16 On the other hand , there are certainly some Conservatives I could not bring myself to vote for — such as Mr Jack Aspinwall in my neighbouring seat of Wansdyke , who a few years ago was one of an all-party group of MPs who spoke far too warmly about the Ceausescu regime on a visit to Romania , and who lists as his only publication Kindly Sit Down ! , a collection of ‘ after-dinner stories from both Houses of Parliament ’ .
17 Eventually it seemed it was only I who ever thought about that still , cold morning , recalling in my dreams that cry and that hand held out to me for help I could not , would not give , and the silence that followed Andy disappearing under the ice .
18 ‘ As I looked at the magnificent vehicle I could not help thinking of the historical ‘ Experiment ’ of the Stockton and Darlington Railway , or of the Exhibition excursions of 1851 , when the GW nailed rough boards across their permanent way trucks at Didcot to accommodate their third class passengers !
19 But when you were My Princess I could not bear to imagine you stained by me .
20 Ward was still asleep when I turned right and headed eastwards towards the Andes , the mist a white vapour , the rice fields , the cacti , the occasional trees , all having a weirdness about them that matched my mood and added to my growing fear of what lay ahead , beyond the mountains I could not see .
21 I do remember fighting to stay balanced on the rock and not managing it , I do remember that when the world came back into focus I could not see out of my left eye .
22 At the moment I could not boil water successfully . ’
23 This was the conclusion I could not avoid in the months after becoming a Christian .
24 If I had not had a sensation which resembles my present sensation I could not assert , ‘ My sensation is a sensation of white ’ with the same meaning as it would have if I had had a sensation resembling it .
25 Maybe the local fisherman did , where he got the fish I could not say .
26 I have a notebook near me throughout a session and I jot down any questions I could not answer .
27 It all came back into my mind because of the ball , the spring ball , and the partner whose name I could not remember , although I have remembered now .
28 In particular I recall how the fellow-student , in that breathless voice of teenage girls , strangled in this case with awe , asked him whether he knew some Italian poet whose name I could not catch .
29 The next day I could not resist a peep under the covers , and saw a brief movement among the mops .
30 Until almost the last day I could not believe that we were really leaving Abyssinia for good , that we should not be coming back .
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