Example sentences of "[noun] you know they " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps when they come back they 've got six months you know they 've got a month 's work on their hands .
2 Given it up and he said oh well got no kids you know they live in this house , got no kids .
3 erm , do n't , they just do n't think cos our kids you know they 'll have money erm , say they had money and bought them presents
4 Erm , you see they were dyed on the wrong side you know they were of course it was easier to penetrate than it would be if they dyed them on the right side you see , it was technically i far far superior .
5 They 're such cheapskates you know they put the same panel back on .
6 Erm oh there were a thousand and one things I I ca n't really erm you know they they were always they were at it hammer and tongs you know they had er s what would be called something similar to a steam hammer and you know .
7 They 're in a sense voting with their feet , or not voting with their feet you know they 're not , they 're not voting , yeah .
8 back to dogs that in North Korea you know they do n't just last till Christmas unclear
9 Yes all their lives you know they 'd worked .
10 I mean they they stayed in to you know see the work through the processes rather than it all get ruined , because of course you know they were n't er they were n't great er individual capitalists and er capitalistic companies .
11 Er you know erm the letter , the reply went back from Dave saying that every you know , possible thing was done to get bilingual staff but at the end of the day you know they could n't come up with the goods .
12 And he just dived in there and and got hold of it these tools er once you get a hold of those things you know they they 're pretty They 're fantastic you they wo n't .
13 they call it achievement you know they call it record of achievement
14 such as this year 's figures you know they 're not paying you to somebody over the phone and expect to remember of course they ca n't so I 've got the detail that I need to keep looking at , and there about that 's about it .
15 Because if you work Friday night you know they 're not going to come in on
16 I mean people are a bit narrow in this respect you know they do n't like people to talk about it too openly — but I do because I think it 's important but the trouble is that — erm — that 's not really systematic in the sense that I do it but how many other people do it you see .
17 So when we went to Stylus Records and Telstar you know they were more than than happy to have because they seemed but I think that at at the start had we been looking for somebody here to take us over probably it would never have happened .
18 I only y well you see the Romans did have a word you know they had a phrase , have you heard about that Roman phrase ?
19 I , I compare test matches to more like the chess game you know it 's slower and you sort of you know whatever but these are people who would , did not to test games you know they did n't sort of say okay we 've now met this Pack a Ball thing where you know and everything else .
20 And if people change pace you know they they need induction as well so
21 The next thing you know they are getting married .
22 Next thing you know they 'll be trading in their cuban heels for a pair of comfy slippers , and asking for tea and biscuits on the rider .
23 Next thing you know they switch jobs or cities .
24 Never yes so I thought let them come and they wanted you to be there and then I could n't rid of I just could n't get them to change their minds you know they just wanted you there and I said
25 And you always ask for information you know they can give you .
26 And they 'd all took the long tours you know they really were interested
27 Ah but he means put a bath in a bathroom in , the way you know they did up the Donegal Road .
28 When you see a band 's name on our cover you know they 'll get at least a page , and usually a great deal more .
29 Dad you know they do n't do like your instructors thing for driving
30 Not as fa not the dancing but when she was working in an office you know they just needed to show her something once and she could pick it up .
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