Example sentences of "[noun] you [adv] do " in BNC.

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1 There are other times when for short trips you just do n't need all the capacity and weight of a ‘ serious ’ backpacking sack .
2 You do n't know in this case you probably do know , that the personalities are the same .
3 a lot of his work is , sort of , rather than getting copies you just do a printout
4 ‘ I always thought that I might get into meteorology later , but of course you never do , ’ says Alison without too much regret .
5 Some days you just do n't feel like chuckling .
6 Some days you just do n't feel like chuckling .
7 There was a concerted splutter from Maggie and Peggy in which Rona did n't join ; instead , her expression quite humourless , she murmured , ‘ Well , you arsked , ’ and Peggy , mimicking her companion 's refeened accent , said , ‘ Yes , I arsked and you h'answered , h'as you always do . ’
8 Try to do it on the cheap , however , and you could get lumbered with a lot of high priced product you simply do n't know how to shift .
9 What if one day you just do not have time ?
10 Training logs are one of those things you simply do or do n't take to .
11 There will undoubtedly be things you already do well , that no longer require any conscious effort on your part .
12 Make a mental note of the things you find are most important to you and also of the things you habitually do that could perhaps go without too much hardship because they are not an essential part of your well-being and happiness .
13 Each year the GHS asks ‘ in the 14 days prior to interview have you had to cut down on any of the things you usually do ( about the house/at work or in your free time ) because of illness or injury ? ’
14 I want something deeper than the stuff you usually do for me , so do n't look for ways to cut corners .
15 In some ways you really do n't .
16 You get much above about fifty people you perhaps do need a some technical assistance with the power .
17 Start of the season you just do n't see start of the season and Christmas you just do n't see
18 In upholstery you really do get what you pay for and you usually have to take the quality on trust since you can not see all the underpinnings of frames , filling and springs unless you are shown a sample cross section and have it all explained to you in the shop .
19 ‘ The terrible things you refer to were intended to ensure you could continue to live here — in the style you obviously do . ’
20 ‘ To love human beings is still the only thing worth living for ; without this love you really do not live . ’
21 Setting up your own business can be the most satisfying thing you ever do .
22 So that 's how you arrange it like that , the first thing you then do is to tuck the spare bit under the hand , cos the hand then there anchors it for you
23 When you open a Current Account at Midland you usually do n't have to worry about such inconvenience .
24 So it is I I I wo n't predict you know how it 's gon na be too much you know because obviously er it 's just the day to day living is quite difficult for most people have to work and cope with their families and you know so there 's not going to be er that the fundamentals are are not gon na be changed and obviously people are gon na be very broke for a long time because in a strike situation you probably do n't ever really quite recover .
25 ‘ It was about 5.30pm , pouring with rain outside and I was making Sophie 's tea when a preacher came to the door and broke the news , but like everyone in that situation you just do n't believe it .
26 You can plan grand lectures , but in the end you really do learn by doing them over and over again , adjusting this or changing that .
27 Talk the way you normally do .
28 I would find it too distracting to have you around the place , knowing you felt the way you evidently do about me … that is , ’ his tone changed , ‘ how much you abhor my touch . ’
29 Stand the way you usually do .
30 If the only reading you ever do is the occasional novel or glossy magazine , then the speed at which you read Probably does not matter very much to you .
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