Example sentences of "[noun] was that he " in BNC.

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1 I think he was n't much of a horseman , perhaps had n't been in the regiment very long ; and the great achievement in his eyes was that he had managed to do that long and difficult gallop without falling off .
2 When she realised that she was pregnant , her one clear emotion was that he should not know .
3 Nobody had said what Marcus should do : the result was that he appeared to do little or nothing , spoke minimally and was increasingly reluctant to leave his bedroom or the house .
4 The result was that he left my flat in a fuming temper , very gruff but very sober , and the broadcast was , I was given to understand , of consummate skill and effectiveness .
5 The architects asked Hall about judges , and his reply was that he intended to hold a public exhibition of the designs before deciding whom to appoint .
6 His reply was that he often did but not usually soon enough . )
7 ‘ When I told him , his reply was that he thought I had liked going there , and he burst out with , ‘ Thank goodness you told me .
8 The reply was that he could be seen the following Wednesday for a fee of £45 .
9 And the irony was that he had been shocked when she had handed him back his ring .
10 ‘ Maybe what upset Dustin was that he knew that , although he was the better actor , Steve 's performance in Papillon was superior , ’ commented Norman Jewison , who had directed McQueen in The Cincinnati Kid and The Thomas Crown Affair , but who never worked with Dustin .
11 The saving grace of Ockleton 's cloistered and analytical mind was that he had no use for deception .
12 ‘ One of the attractions was that he does n't jump out of cars shouting freeze .
13 To Marquand , MacDonald 's real fault was that he held on to his nineteenth-century principles for too long .
14 Helios was thought to see and know everything , and he was often invoked in blessings ; his fault was that he could not keep a secret .
15 Not long after we met , I remember telling him that in my opinion his only fault was that he was too predictable , that , although no doubt perverse , I enjoyed being kept guessing a bit more often .
16 Tom Tedder 's tragedy was that he had a perfectly accurate estimate of his own talents as an artist .
17 This ‘ evidence ’ was never published but he persisted in his belief that his only crime was that he was found out .
18 Darling 's points were credible in the circumstances ; the only plausible explanation of Shill 's actions after the crime was that he was in a drunken stupor .
19 The effect was that he always seemed to be smiling .
20 His chief importance to Edward was that he was a substantial landowner in Normandy and was at odds with John II over the succession to the counties of Angoulême and Mortain .
21 My objection to his high heels was that he would do himself a mischief if he had to bale out !
22 The problem with Seawright was that he openly voiced what many people took to be the true feelings of Democratic Unionists , often to the embarrassment of the DUP spokesmen who were presenting a more moderate position .
23 All she knew of Travis was that he despised her and believed her to be a thief .
24 A bonus was that he had been so fascinated by his earlier experience that his confidence in hypnotherapy as a whole had grown , and he was far more willing to undergo treatment than he might otherwise have been .
25 Observers who have been taken by Paisley 's personal influence over his followers have often missed the point that those who supported Paisley only did so conditionally and the condition was that he continued to articulate traditional unionist positions .
26 The first news of his condition was that he was winded , bruised and in shock , but likely to be passed fit to race today .
27 The latest report on Place 's condition was that he would certainly live , and they might be able to speak to him tomorrow .
28 In fact , Henry 's real problem with the law was that he was n't quite up to it .
29 The inevitable consequence of his marriage was that he forfeited his fellowship , and the security it had given him .
30 Marx 's major claim for his own work was that he had discovered certain inexorable laws which operated in history and which were comparable in their workings to laws operating in the physical universe such as the law of gravity .
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