Example sentences of "[noun] was just [art] " in BNC.

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1 The accident-prone Frank Spencer was just a step away from Runnicles , the witless bank clerk .
2 My brother-in-law the councillor said nothing , just stood looking down at her ; and in his eyes was just the right mixture of kindliness and a sort of authority ; and something else — a twinkle , a you-and-me-having-a-little-joke-together look .
3 Eleanor was just a stupid fan , of course .
4 At the next attempt , Odom excluded and when Cheshire had to take on the two Newcastle riders on his own , the result was just the same as in the initial race .
5 The club was just the right kind of venue for them to cut their professional teeth on , and she was glad to give them the opportunity .
6 The place that Belov had in mind was just a couple of hundred metres further , he told her .
7 ‘ If you ask me , that story about Gebrec having something on his mind was just a cover-up .
8 Hardy was just a very kind old man . ’
9 ‘ My style of playing over the top of the neck was just an accident .
10 The blame lay with the DES , which had thought that ‘ establishing polytechnics was just an administrative exercise ’ .
11 A guidebook on the mantlepiece adds that until the plague did for Wensley , Leyburn was just a speck on the map anyway .
12 Unfortunately , its effect was just the opposite .
13 It came from his left , near by , and he looked there and found that Slorne was just the other side of the bars from him and she was looking at him .
14 It would n't last — nothing as wonderful as this ever did ; common sense told her their truce was just a transitory thing , things between them were too volatile , too unstable .
15 As the Danzigers saw it , Gdynia was just a very expensive way of ruining them ; it proved just how hard-hearted and merciless the Poles could be , and that feeling helped to foster the growth of the Nazi Party in the Free City .
16 That kind of farce was just the tip of the iceberg .
17 A non-feminist lesbian was just a failed heterosexual .
18 When Green was just a Colour
19 Just like God saw that Gideon ( El Wimpo ) was the man to defeat the armies of the Midianites ( read about it in Judges 6–8 ) : he saw that the murderer Moses was just the man to free his people Israel from the grip of slavery in Egypt .
20 But in Dvořák 's Dumky , with its mercurial alternations of melancholy and gaiety , I did wonder if their playing was just a little short on true Slavonic temperament .
21 The second half followed very much the same pattern , a minute in to the half , a delightful United move involving Magilton , Phillips , Nogan and Philips , but Phillips ' final cross to Nogan was just a little bit too long .
22 Da Ponte was just a professional himself , though a highly superior one .
23 Sharpe was just a few paces from his enemy .
24 Indeed , if tennis was just the French Open , only the strong would take it up , and even then , many would n't survive .
25 The Cockney multi-millionaire was just a 17-year-old hopeful working as a messenger with the Rank Organisation in London .
26 The second half was just the same .
27 He twisted his head to look upwards , but Moloch was just a faint disc half hidden by the clouds : a burnished coin beneath polluted water .
28 The sixties were gone and Hopper was just a memory .
29 Charles hoped that George 's assumption was right , that Michael Banks 's difficulty in retaining the lines was just the product of laziness .
30 This may seem a minor disagreement , but if you were to question me about Panofsky , I would have to say that the disagreement was just the tip of the iceberg .
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