Example sentences of "[noun] was come to " in BNC.

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1 It was a great regret to me that our partnership was to come to an end .
2 What was interesting was that , while the hero of the hour was still in a back room , under wraps for the time being like his likeness in oils , the conversation was taking place only inches away from the player whose last-minute goal in ‘ 66 guaranteed that the Jules Rimet trophy was coming to England .
3 She was more relaxed now , her shoulders less hunched , as if she realised the interview was coming to an end .
4 By the mid '60s the heyday of the hairy-chested open sports car was coming to an end , surviving only on an uneasy and temporary truce with the law-makers and the environmentalist lobby .
5 The second is that the British colonial rulers did not genuinely believe in independent , publicly owned public service broadcasting because when in government they made sure that they had full control and tolerated the idea of a corporation only when their rule was coming to an end .
6 Anthony 's usual animosity was coming to the fore .
7 Already , it seems , industry was coming to be concentrated on the north side of the Stour — Dedham lies opposite East Bergholt , a booming village — and that the gap was opening which forty-five years later was to be filled by the arrival of the Dutch bringing the techniques of the ‘ New Draperies ’ .
8 Don Juan refused , but later acquiesced when , in October , Franco presented him with a fait accompli by leaking news that Juan Carlos was to come to Spain to continue his schooling .
9 We could not claim all the credit for this as our administration was coming to grips with the situation ashore .
10 My first marriage was coming to an end , but my husband would not leave until I had a permanent job ( so that I could support his children ) .
11 ‘ Sgt Maj Cross was coming to the end of a three-year-posting with the Royal Army Medical Corps .
12 As the championship progressed it was fairly obvious that England 's magnificent Grand Slamming run was coming to an end , not because of the passion and pride displayed by Wales and Ireland , but the fact that some of the England veterans are undoubtedly past their shelf life .
13 But while England was coming to be seen as a reasonably important power after having looked very weak in the middle of the sixteenth century , a more conspicuous change was the emergence of the Netherlands .
14 Goreng 's superior was coming to the end of his tour of duty .
15 But it seemed , sir , when first I talked to Mrs Browning , before ever I mentioned my plan , or else I would not have mentioned it , it seemed Ferdinando was to go , that there was no choice , that he was nigh essential to your comfort , and then , having spoken out , to find he was not and therefore he would not go and my plan was to come to nothing — it is hard to understand , sir . ’
16 If Nietzsche was to come to terms with a specialized academic career , his need of a compensatory allegiance was extreme .
17 But his main thoughts lay elsewhere , as he realized that the desert campaign was coming to an end .
18 The Italian campaign was to come to naught , but in a number of English speaking jurisdictions , reform proposals along very similar lines were implemented before and after it .
19 At first she thought Angel was coming to her bedroom , and her heart beat wildly with joy .
20 was disappointed but pleased that the war was coming to an end .
21 So this job was coming to an end about this time ?
22 As a result of this , their professional commitment to arms grew : in France , in the second half of the fourteenth century , some esquires ( men on the very fringe of noblesse ) were promoted over the heads of knights , whose numbers in the French army declined anyhow after about 1380 , a suggestion that professionalism was coming to be well regarded .
23 Ministry of Defence and the centralization of the Defence votes , which were being studied at the same time as the Skybolt/Polaris crisis was coming to a head .
24 In particular , the mythology was coming to be regarded as history — the first step towards trivialization and eventual nullity .
25 Meanwhile , the campaign in Burma was coming to an end with the virtual extermination of the Japanese forces trying to escape over the Sittang river .
26 The Merseyside convener was aware that President Nate Cocello was coming to the UK for talks with British and European management .
27 Her time in Africa was coming to an end .
28 I sensed that the hon. Gentleman was coming to the conclusion of his speech .
29 The crowd had thinned , and the day was coming to an end .
30 An unspoken reason for her attempted escape had also been the growing certainty that this attraction was coming to a head .
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