Example sentences of "[noun] was the way " in BNC.

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1 As impressive as the emotional force of the songs was the way their author had learned to marry complex lyrics to tunes which never sounded forced or over-extended .
2 Among the interesting things to emerge from this first study was the way in which teachers equated formal evaluation exclusively with pupil assessment .
3 But what hurt Gower more than being rejected for flop Graeme Hick was the way he was told .
4 One aspect of this fear was the way in which the new notion of female impurity rapidly made inroads into the popular imagination , with the result that women came to be seen as a constant stumbling block to man 's improvement , a blight on the possibility of his attaining the now required ( i.e. post-exilic ) standard of personal purity .
5 The 250LM demonstrated conclusively that the mid-engined configuration was the way ahead .
6 One surprising aspect of these responses was the way they were almost always followed or overlaid by a sense of satisfaction , even pleasure , at having documentary evidence to support particular explanations of racism , and particular ideological standpoints related to them .
7 One pointer was the way that a growing percentage of the work-force was employed in the various activities of tourism , much of it of necessity on a shortterm or seasonal basis .
8 One of the most controversial aspects of the 1985 Act was the way in which crucially important services hitherto provided by the GLC and the six ‘ mets ’ were transferred not to elected second-tier authorities but to non-directly elected joint boards .
9 THE Government 's ‘ I 'm backing winners ’ policy emphasised that competitiveness was the way to achieve real economic growth , according to Secretary of State Peter Brooke .
10 Indeed , in the 1960s and 1970s , deliberate over issuance of Treasury bills was the way in which the Bank of England enforced Bank Rate .
11 Simon was the way out of all this mess and confusion .
12 One of the main difficulties for the advisory team was the way , particularly following the Education Department 's reorganization , they had to combine their advisory role with considerable administrative responsibilities , both for ‘ their ’ schools and across the system as a whole .
13 All she could seem to think of these days was the way Fen had kissed her , made love to her .
14 If I am to do better than merely throw up my hands and assert that Alison Kraemer was in some indefinable way ‘ the real , right thing ’ , then I would suggest that the distinguishing characteristic of her ascendancy was the way she denied you any possibility of mitigating it .
15 For one seasoned Whitehall figure involved in the build-up to the Falklands War , in the conflict itself and its aftermath , among the starkest lessons of the greatest trauma of the Thatcher period was the way in which the shortcomings of contemporary Cabinet government were thrown into sharp relief .
16 Rank was so convinced that making expensive films was the way to break through into the American market that he made no attempt to rein back costs .
17 Parallel with this ideology and another means of countering the increasingly corporate nature of the business was the way she fostered the involvement of her own children and their friends .
18 The right hon. Gentleman said that a reduction in the prison population was the way to improve the position in prisons .
19 One of the big troubles was the way that they obstructed the pavements as most of their drinking would be done in the street , sat with backs against the pub wall .
20 sounds terr er terrible to me , because Pad was the way to Colliery , the last half mile along a dirt track .
21 If , however , her main dislike of Ken 's sexual behaviour was the way it coloured his career , then she has perhaps cause for concern .
22 The manner in which Gaveston and Despenser monopolized access to the king was deeply resented : when the king 's personal decision counted for so much , access to the king was the way to obtain grants and favours for a magnate and for his dependants .
23 One particularly noticeable development was the way in which each group defended its position in response to the queries and suggestions of other groups .
24 My Manchester United lads went there three times in a fortnight last season and came home with two wins and a draw , and the biggest factor was the way Gary Pallister handled Lee Chapman .
25 I knew that knowledge was the way to turn situations around . ’
26 ‘ It occurs to me that one of the cleverest things about Operation Eagle was the way Colonel Steiner and his men were transported to England . ’
27 An example was the way that community groups with apparently widely different aims and interests could be brought together to learn from each other .
28 What did perhaps seem like a continuation of the miracle was the way in which Patrick had regained his healthy appearance and good looks .
29 It occurred to her that the way she was holding Peach was the way a woman holds a baby and she lowered him gently into her lap .
30 But in the end their greatest impact was the way in which they helped to change most people 's way of lite and in so doing changed much of the landscape .
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