Example sentences of "[noun] was to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Religion was to Marx an illusion , a fantasy created by men as a result of the class struggle .
2 This kitsch multi-cultural trio , who are to high fashion what Benny Hill was to feminism , hail from Peckham , Dallas and Tokyo .
3 first appointment as parish priest was to Wickersley , Rotherham ( Aug. 1961–Feb. 1966 ) .
4 They never thought how close the ceremony was to chaos .
5 It is not improbable that men worth £1 or less did not begin to attract attention until the later stages of the subsidy bill , as a result of the Commons ' determination to shift the burden of taxation downwards , for if the intention was to rope in labourers and servants as a makeweight , it could not have been seriously supposed that any substantial amount could be wrung from them .
6 Orton 's intention was to outrage .
7 The original intention was to hive off assembly operations to sub-contractors .
8 The original intention was to hive off assembly operations to sub-contractors .
9 His intention was to water both horses and while they had their nose-bags of oats , he would sit in the shade with his allowance and a bottle of cold tea .
10 As Montgomerie — whose staple shot is , of course , the fade — settled into his address , it was clear that his intention was to flight the ball right to left .
11 The detour was to Holmstroyd and involved stopping at the jetty .
12 Slow start but in the end realises ambition to be to blaxpoitation movies what Airplane was to disaster movies .
13 As a Group Captain , Dave Durkin was first at Medmenham from 1964–66 and no trophy existed for the match , but as a piece of ‘ superfluous ’ R.A.F. silver was to hand , it was re-dedicated as The Danesfield Cup expressly for this annual combat .
14 The half hour drive east of Ierapetra along Crete 's largely unspoilt southern coast was to Analipsis where the hotel nestled above a great rock-fringed bay .
15 In 1917 , his second marriage was to Jessica Gertrude ( daughter of Richard Gerrard , civil engineer ) , actress and former wife of Eric Spencer Wentworth Fitzwilliam ( later ninth Earl Fitzwilliam ) .
16 His first marriage was to Frances Boure .
17 His best guess was that the reference was to Nerys , that his unconscious mind had been looking for comfort in the prospect that Wayne would at least be with his mother , in which case he decided that there was probably some hope for his mental state after all .
18 The reference was to Menelik who rode his famous horse Dagnaw into battle .
19 So you know , nothing might come of that but if it does erm I would be very keen to actually er the , the plan was to second a member of C S M T for six months to do it , and I would be very keen to do it I must admit .
20 If the effect of the new issue was to value PCI at $150 million , which would be very modest by American valuations of telecommunications companies , given that it has 12 to 13 million potential subscribers , it would mean Pittencrieff 's oil and gas interests would effectively be valued at nothing at the company 's current market capitalisation of just under £100 million .
21 The Maggot referred to himself as a ‘ good old country boy ’ which description provoked Ellen , who could not stand the sight of him , to comment that John Maggovertski was to country what the serpent was to Eden .
22 My question was to Mr was designed to throw light on that point .
23 One motive behind the efforts of both Peter and Catherine to enhance the role of elective institutions among nobility and townsmen was to discipline appointed officials .
24 You 'd spend one hour boning all his big bones they he 'd already took the joints off and your job was to bone it right to the bone , which he sold separately , and today you would call minced beef .
25 The next part of the job was to film mink where they are most likely to be an ecological threat — the Outer Hebrides .
26 In 1326–7 he was not a king-maker ( or -saver ) , partly because a legitimate heir was to hand , but possibly because he could not muster the opposition of prelates generally to Edward II 's removal .
27 What the district around Takrit was to Saddam , Oltenia has been to the Ceauşescus .
28 The feelings of Sixties youth had been at the centre of Crawford 's most successful screen characters , but his third film with director Richard Lester was to incense the older generation in a way that no film had done before .
29 The general aim was to hand these problems over , if only at a conceptual level in the first instance , to the North and South Devon district management teams .
30 His next move was to Madrid , an upheaval that he and his girlfriend had been planning for some time , and there his photographic education continued apace , despite one or two minor problems .
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