Example sentences of "[noun] for [noun sg] in " in BNC.

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1 But he simply does not come to grips with the genuine political and cultural difficulty of establishing effective institutions for research in applied sciences , such as agriculture and medicine , which can not be seeded entirely by individual commitment and talent .
2 He visited the church of Gesù Nuovo again and made his way to Piazza della Carità for coffee in the same restaurant .
3 There is no substantive protection for privacy in British law .
4 The average social fund grant for furniture in 1990–1 was £377 , excluding grants for washing machines .
5 Possibly we 're looking to reduce home help hours , but this is at a time when , at the same time I 'm saying to you , we 're having problems with our S T G , our special grant for care in the community .
6 Unlike occupational SVQs , general SVQs are intended to provide a broad preparation for employment in a range of occupations .
7 There is a similar emphasis to be found on the educational preparation for citizenship in the report of the Speaker 's Commission .
8 A seminal and key figure , at least in American education , has been Dewey , who was recommending in 1916 that schools should be organised as miniature democracies , and who saw education as a preparation for citizenship in a democratic society ( Dewey , 1916 ) .
9 There is no machinery for remission for misconduct in expert determination .
10 Note : Through an omission on my part the editors did not receive these notes for inclusion in the last Journal .
11 Supplies of quality sorted notes for use in Automated Teller Machines ( ATMs ) are included in the arrangements .
12 Dr Patrick Brooks , Senior Medical Adviser , Scottish Rome and Health Department The current " family " of design guidance notes for use in planning new hospitals buildings in the Scottish Health Service is at present Hospital Planning Note 1 ( HPN1 ) , and its collection of supplements which , at November 1988 , numbered 11 in all , with one further one expected early in 1989 .
13 There were only eight private acts for enclosure in the whole of England before 1714 , eighteen under George I ( 1714–27 ) , and 229 under George II ( 1727–60 ) , most of these in the latter part of his reign .
14 This is the only plausible explanation I have found , in a lifetime spent in television , for the fact that a single programme can be simultaneously attacked from both ends of the political spectrum for bias in the opponents ' favour .
15 When Bilal Shebib and Samir Medina came to Stoke Mandeville for treatment in 1987 , their severe spinal injuries meant they could n't even sit up .
16 There were , however , more tangible reasons for concern in that bicycle deaths and injuries were frequently reported in the press , with moments of aggravated alarm about ‘ hit-and-run ’ cyclists .
17 For those who do not want a federal future for this country there are many reasons for concern in the Prime Minister 's statement on the treaty of union .
18 The research aims to investigate the reasons for change in attitude to the Welsh language amongst 13 to 16 year olds.An attitude survey of first , second and third year Secondary pupils in 1988 will be repeated with the same pupils in 1990 .
19 The diagram puts the reasons for non-approval in 1987/8 in pictorial form .
20 One of the reasons for difficulty in diagnosing this condition when it first occurs is the apparent similarity of the symptoms that it produces to those associated with cystitis .
21 This chapter seeks to offer a broad description of the eurobond market ; an economic analysis of its behaviour , microstructure and reasons for location in London ; and an assessment of certain key issues relating to prospects for the eurobond market and its location in London .
22 1.42 One of the main reasons for delay in personal injury cases is the fact that the plaintiff 's solicitor is waiting for a medical prognosis before being able to quantify the claim .
23 The reasons for disappointment in Eastern Europe differ little from those encountered in the Soviet Union .
24 They argue that the reasons for underdevelopment in any given Third World country lie mainly within the country itself rather than in the position of the country within any particular part of the global capitalist system .
25 There are other , less well publicised reasons for interest in attempts to make metallic hydrogen and in the hydrogen-palladium experiments which bear on some subsequent responses to Fleischmann and Pons ' work .
26 Reasons for referral in the 268 first referrals were : dysphagia 50.4% , non-cardiac chest pain 23.1% , gastro-oesophageal reflux disease 14.2% , connective tissue disease 11.2% , and ‘ other ’ 1.1% .
27 What have been the reasons for unemployment in Lancashire , Merseyside and Greater Manchester ?
28 Some reasons for non-production in mares
29 The reasons for failure in these projects tend not to lie in the technical side , though the technology is complex , nor in the economic side , though the cost of these systems is very high .
30 Reasons for exclusion in this group were large liver metastases ( seven ) , carcinoma but considered unfit for radiotherapy ( seven , including two sigmoid lesions ) , refusal of radiotherapy ( three ) , previous radiotherapy ( one ) , rectovaginal fistula ( one ) , unable to pass stricture ( thus radiotherapy likely to induce obstruction ) ( one ) .
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