Example sentences of "[noun] is [indef pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Policies which no doubt David erm Allenby will explain later of Harrogate would suggest that Harrogate Borough is one in this county that feels it could accommodate a strategic site .
2 Religion is everything to him .
3 They feel the fighting is justified because their religion is something worth supporting and fighting for because if everybody just accepted what the other said then no-one would have the right to choose and end up with a dictatorship where one person is saying what they believe in and nobody fights back so everybody would end up having to agree .
4 The easiest format for the script is one in which the shot details are written down on one side of the page , while the corresponding words of commentary are written opposite them on the other side .
5 Of course , isolation is something to which the rural working population , particularly in the upland areas , has long been accustomed .
6 His relationship with the kids is one between equals , but they also seem to expect him to be a wise man , and this is what he sometimes expects of himself .
7 But the process was one in which Britain has played a leading role , and the result is one in which we can clearly see the imprint of our views .
8 The string quartet on this EMI disc promises at first to be an effective and not unoriginal exercise in the expressionist tradition , but the end result is something of a disappointment .
9 From slang to puns to points of conflict , the end result is something like homeboy fashion meets voodoo charm and , back in ‘ 88 , the LA Times gave her a fitting nickname , ‘ East LA 's Ambassador Of Culture ’ .
10 The result is lots of drawings , pen-and-wash and pastels , some of which are on show at Kirkleatham Museum in an exhibition which ends on Monday .
11 Of all the countries in southern Africa , Angola is one with the greatest potential . ’
12 Included in the range of modules on offer within the master 's programme is one on Educational Evaluation and another — the Dissertation Module — which requires students to write a thesis of about 10,000 to 12,000 words .
13 The question whether a customer knowing of the facts would have taken part in the fraud is one for the jury .
14 The research area of decision-making under uncertainty is one in which conventional types of economic data and standard econometric techniques have limited value .
15 The musical analogy is one to which she herself alludes : her interest in jazz is displayed in the constant movement of forms which allow the viewer 's eye no rest and in her references to urban popular culture , particularly in the ‘ Coney Island ’ series .
16 A Music Hall sling from 1890s , introduced by the Irish comedians O'Connor and Brady , had probably first popularised the word : How it came to be adopted by , and applied to , youthful street gangs is something of a mystery .
17 The period of time just after you have attained all your goals is something of a danger period ; this is when many dieters lapse back into their old ways .
18 Of course they 're all putting their hands up by me see , and Da , I thought David would clock , and he never said a word , I thought he ai n't sussed it , anyway they went on this night out and the girls kept saying , Debbie saying oh Lynn just come , I said I ai n't got no intentions of coming , I said David 's going amongst all the others I 'm not going , so Debbie said why , I said why because David is nothing but a wanker , a lot , along , a lot of the others , she said , she nearly fell off the chair , gordon bennett she said I never thought you , I never realised you felt like that , I said Debbie if you knew half of what I thought you would fall off that chair
19 The third category of incisor digestion is one in which extensive enamel digestion occurs over the whole incisor ( Fig. 3.22 J-K , and Fig. 3.23 H-I ) .
20 Marijuana is nothing like taking heroin , smack , whatever , it 's nothing like it !
21 Because the practice is something in which people share , there are behavioural criteria for saying that someone has cottoned on to the use of an expression .
22 Indeed ‘ the whole piece is something of a dream ’ ( Hugo Young , The Guardian , 21 June 1988 ) , in which ‘ you could n't take a single thing seriously ’ ( according to Pearce ) because ‘ any resemblance between it and the world of 1988 is due to administrative oversight ’ ( Patrick Stoddart , The Sunday Times , 26 June 1988 ) .
23 Jink-back is something like slipped-disc , I should say .
24 Yet the current proportion of civilians to soldiers in the UN-led force is one to a hundred .
25 Multiprotocol is something of a misnomer — currently only TCP/IP and SNA are supported , although there is a promise to extend it to Open Systems Interconnection in the future .
26 Nevertheless , from brain to bowel is something of a comedown for the endogenous opiates .
27 Despite what are often called our petty differences , inward investment is something on which we all agree .
28 And your optional calories is nought to seven hundred
29 However a few were experimenting with this newest innovation and looking around the Orkney countryside today well there 's hardly a farm that does n't have a covered silage pit or a grain silo and today the fields are full of barley and oilseed rape and a field of turnips is something of a rare sight these days .
30 According to the standard description , a long shot of a human figure is one in which the figure takes up half to two thirds of the height of the picture .
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