Example sentences of "[noun] is [not/n't] just " in BNC.

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1 This phenomenon of matrix isolation is not just a pretty toy : it can be exploited as a tool as well .
2 You inform by making sure that the programme is not just froth and bubble , that it has genuine body .
3 A programme is not just what happens in the conference hall .
4 Running a drug-testing programme is not just a matter of buying a lot of paper cups .
5 Social anthropology is not just a branch of biochemistry .
6 And yet sometimes I wonder if the wittiest , most resonant irony is n't just a well-brushed , well-educated coincidence .
7 He says that no , the pond is n't just full of green slime and mud , there are thousands of tadpoles , which in themselves are interesting because of the way they metamorphose .
8 Designers have been at pains to ensure the Cornmill is not just a covered shopping mall .
9 Dostoevsky 's groping backwards past Crime and Punishment towards Notes from Underground is not just a matter of arriving at Stavrogin .
10 The distinction between ‘ scientific ’ and ‘ political ’ research is not just a dodge to help the big German foundations avoid embarrassing their patrons .
11 The potential value of the research is not just theoretical , as it offers a new perspective from which to evaluate the innumerable problems which beset development programmes .
12 Notice that speaker M 's second contribution in this extract is not just ‘about ’ that general point .
13 Each piece is not just the hunters ' story traditionally presenting the head or horns of the victim .
14 ‘ This snow is n't just going to go away , is it ?
15 The turnover is not just that of the companies involved but of the groups to which they belong .
16 This kind of bereavement is not just about an emotional loss such as one experiences with the loss of a parent , however dear , with whom one does not live .
17 I think the danger for U2 is not just achieving , but holding back the achievement .
18 Yet Hungary is not just an obedient stalking horse .
19 But poignancy is n't just retrospective , it 's also the rapture that 's the same as grief , a radiant apprehension of death .
20 ( 4 ) This de-differentiation of signifier and referent is not just a matter of every-day life being experienced as a spatio-temporal configuration of signifiers , it is also a matter of the content of properly cultural objects themselves .
21 are , are the same but I see the point that you 're making is that the workload is n't just the initial action plan .
22 And I 'm sure she would say that Anglicanism is n't just the clergy . ’
23 A teddy bear is n't just a childhood plaything , it 's a lifetime committment .
24 Further investigation will show that the fear is not just the threat of punishment for the act or thought which instigated the feeling , for that fear can be there in those who are not worried by consciences ; it will emerge that the fear is really that of falling into disfavour with fellow beings and loved ones .
25 We hope that improved methodology will allow a better evaluation of the relationship between two extremely important values in the social worker 's day to day work , and will show that the participation of our clients is not just ideologically based but practically worthwhile .
26 But that leakage figure is n't just the leakage in our pipes , it 's the leakage or the water that you ca n't account for going out of customers premises and factories as well .
27 So what really causes the soldier 's action is not just his belief , but a combination of that belief with a certain desire .
28 Birchall is n't just along for the ride — he 's an integral part of a finely-balanced three-wheel missile .
29 Local Management of Schools is not just about the delegation of staffing powers from LEAs to schools .
30 Ineffective screening is not just a waste of money .
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