Example sentences of "[noun] to you in " in BNC.

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1 And certainly from my submission to you in the Selby district , I have shown that er the the plan which was enclosed with the written evidence .
2 I 'll give the keys to you in a minute .
3 Above all , you should be aware that he is not under an obligation to promote a settlement that is ‘ fair ’ or to explain unfair dismissal law to you in great detail .
4 ‘ Do you feel your study of statistics will be of long-term benefit to you in the job market ? ’
5 Although Frank has been a director of Pearson since nineteen eighty six and those of you been to this meeting in the last few years will have seen him before I 'd like to introduce , ah , Frank to you in his new capacity Managing Director and Chief Operating Officer at Pearson .
6 If we can be of any assistance to you in finding another job , please do n't hesitate to shout .
7 ‘ I hope , sir , ’ he said , not noticing the pun , ‘ that we may be of some assistance to you in your stay in the region .
8 Home Assist gives you rapid access on a 24 hour basis to first class tradesmen and repairers to provide assistance to you in the event of an emergency which results in loss or damage to your home .
9 I hope that these comments help to clarify the Regional Council 's position and are of assistance to you in processing the planning application for Phase 3 .
10 Hopefully the above information together with the Job Descriptions which are now available will be of assistance to you in understanding the department 's proposals for Council Tax .
11 In the event my Lord , erm , that er your Lordship felt that further guidance was required , there are the two routes that I 've indicated to your Lordship briefly yesterday , there is the route of er seeking some information , if your Lordship felt it 'd be of assistance to you in resolving any doubts that you may have from the and your Lordship has seen yesterday the notice on co-operation which is in and at page eleven thirty two and is also the exhibit
12 Many companies allow you to try equipment and will demonstrate equipment to you in your own home .
13 You never really sort of said well was it , was it a slipped disc or is it gone or have you got ta go back for any more tests or anything like that er and bearing in mind that he also said he was keen on sports and he played tennis and so on , you could 've had the opportunity there to say oh have your back problem , back troubles made in difference to you in that area ?
14 ‘ — And she says dreadful things to you in front of the whole class and makes you feel really stupid , ’ continued Maud .
15 He 'll be on the phone to you in no time . ’
16 It will act as a barrier to you in putting your own psychological discoveries directly to your reader .
17 I will get the money to you in some other way . ’
18 ‘ The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors extends its deepest sympathy to you in the passing of your beloved father , Cassius Marcellus Clay . ’
19 That your customer has a fiduciary responsibility to you in respect of any monies received from the sale of the goods .
20 My love to you in friendship .
21 I could make love to you in any room in the house , ’ he grinned .
22 I read with amazement Sir Alexander Leith 's letter to you in this morning 's press .
23 He adds : ‘ I write this letter to you in desperate search for help — let God hear my prayers for help and choose you for his messenger . ’
24 If you are currently receiving income support , the DSS will send a form to you in the late Autumn .
25 If I make a promise to you in return for your supplying me with three , quite useless , chocolate wrappers , which I will instantly throw away , there is a perfectly good contract provided that the promise was seriously intended ( below , p. 205 ) .
26 Than k you that we can bring our concerns for others to you in the confidence that you will hear and act .
27 Now that 's a bit of a surprise to you in the sense that you believed that ten percent of the population owned eighty percent of the land and therefore this , this kind of erm a a attack on , on the rich was happening through the May the fourth directive , that would 've produced enough to bring everybody up to a reasonable middle peasant status .
28 Dear Prime Minister , In spite of the most helpful representations and advice from my staff , I have decided to continue submitting my reports to you in the informal way I settled upon initially … ’
29 I have decided to continue submitting my reports to you in the informal way I settled upon initially …
30 and what I want to do is to look at it er over that particular period so I can explain everything to you in full because there are benefits to you in terms of tax savings
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