Example sentences of "[noun] to the term " in BNC.

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1 He was not acting illegally , as no Act of Parliament gave statutory force to the terms of the Charter of 1844 .
2 US opposition to the terms of the agreement , which imposed restrictions on the free movement of UN personnel in Iraq and obliged the use of Iraqi rather UN facilities , was reportedly neutralized after the UK and France indicated that they would not lend their support .
3 The Attorney General of the day ( one Shawcross ) , informed an inquiring MP that ‘ it is not contemplated that any legislation will be necessary to give effect to the terms of this Convention ’ because ‘ I think we are entitled to say that the law of this country has always been in advance of the laws of most other countries in regard to human rights ’ .
4 The number and extent of the obligations can be ascertained only by reference to the terms expressly agreed in the contract and to those extra terms which the law automatically implied into it .
5 It also says that the intention of the parties can be determined by reference to the terms of the contract , the conduct of the parties and the circumstances of the case .
6 The client should also be warned of the dangers of misrepresenting the effects of the terms , and of settling claims without reference to the terms .
7 Although there is no absolute legal requirement , it is safest to ensure that there is some reference to the terms on the face of the document ; for instance : This order is for the supply of goods subject to the terms printed overleaf or We acknowledge receipt of your order and agree to supply you , subject to our terms printed overleaf .
8 If not , the reference to the terms should at least draw attention to the fact that the terms contain exclusion clauses .
9 5.21 Sale of reversion etc To permit [ upon reasonable notice ] at any time during the Term prospective purchasers of or agents instructed in connection with the sale of the Landlord 's reversion or of any other interest superior to the Term to view the Premises without interruption provided they are authorised in writing by the Landlord or its agents This is a normal provision and the only comment to make is that it could be disruptive to a tenant 's business , although one would hope that the frequency of a sale of the reversion would be limited .
10 I would like to draw readers ' attention to the term pastel painting , which is , in my opinion , a classic misnomer .
11 The family had not paid much attention to the terms of the eccentric patriarch 's last wishes , as the stipulation that all his possessions should be held in readiness for his return merely put the houses and their produce at the usual disposal of his family , while removing the problem of his personal presence and authority .
12 MR UNIVERSE will gird up his loins in briefs which bring a new meaning to the term bikini line , clip his diamond ear-stud into place and take the rattler from his Guildford home to Luton this week to begin his reign by promoting a new range of office furniture .
13 Potterton Myson give new meaning to the term towel rail with their extensive range of towel warmers .
14 Some meaning to the term ‘ god ’ must be found to take account of this human need .
15 There is a more inclusive meaning to the term ‘ incomer ’ , this is used in relation to both these small , local communities and , more important , in relation to Shetland as a whole .
16 Brings a whole new meaning to the term ‘ breast-stroke ’ .
17 Protagon believes that , by offering its string adjustment facility , that it is ‘ raising the stakes ’ , so to speak … setting the trend for the nineties , and giving a new meaning to the term ‘ user-friendly ’ .
18 But for his new single , ‘ Brothers Gon na Work It Out ’ , the man who gave new meaning to the term ‘ bedroom producer ’ has turned up with a contagious call for unity .
19 Robert Grosvenor is one of those artists who give new meaning to the term ‘ raw material ’ , using as he has over the years wooden beams — stacked , splintered , split and variously arrayed over the floor .
20 When this 3 or 4lb skinny machine finally ships , it 'll bring a new meaning to the term ‘ sub-notebook ’ .
21 First , he points out that the process of ostensive definition , whereby the solipsist attempts to give a meaning to the term ‘ pain ’ by pointing ( mentally ) to a sensation , is one which only works when we already have a background of conceptual knowledge , and can not be used to construct such knowledge from a blank sheet .
22 That has reached the proportions of a scandal and those non-trees give a new meaning to the term ’ invisible assets ’ .
23 Now , for the final time we 're heading way out west with the man who 's given a whole new meaning to the term ‘ cowboy ’ — John Millar of the Daily Record .
24 A company director has given a whole new meaning to the term ’ house painting ’ .
25 alteration to the terms of the contract by the hotel ;
26 Manufacturers sometimes introduce changes to the terms and conditions of sale to make their lives easier .
27 In the time of Acts , real and deep-seated prejudice was dealt with by a clear commitment to the terms and truth of the good news of God as God himself declares it to be .
28 By about 1000 BC much smaller cattle began to appear and they came to be called the Celtic oxen , their different skull shape giving rise to the term Bos brachyceros or Bos longifrons , though they were not in fact of a separate species but members of the Bos taurus species like other longhorns and shorthorns in temperate regions .
29 When such ‘ table carp ’ entered the genetic pool of Japanese Koi , it was these reflective scales , usually either side of the dorsal fin , that gave rise to the term ‘ Doitsu ’ — a corruption of the word ‘ Deutsch ’ , meaning ‘ German ’ .
30 It gave rise to the term ‘ slide-rule strategy ’ and Williams was one of its foremost creators .
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