Example sentences of "[noun] to be used " in BNC.

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1 These could actually be used as two separate windings driving separate supply circuits , but it would be very unusual for a transformer to be used in this way .
2 And what did you understand about the level of force to be used ?
3 Erm reasonable force to be used in the circumstances that dictated it .
4 This still enables reasonably compact bar codes to be used , but keeps the reading process easy enough for inexpensive sensors to be used successfully .
5 Techniques have changed to some extent in that there are now a number of excellent buoyant legers on the market which allow anchored floaters to be used to more effect .
6 The policy here is to have the vast majority of these funds ‘ up-front ’ , ie to distribute them out to the Districts to be used by Practice Teams for the purchase of individual places for individual users — what we are calling ‘ spot purchase ’ .
7 The instructions have to specify the accumulator to be used as well as the store address , giving some of the advantages of the two-address system without the long instruction format required to hold a second store address ; this technique has therefore sometimes been called the " 1½-address system " .
8 In many crops as little as 0–5 litres/hectare is effective and this permits oil-based formulations to be used economically and increases the persistence of deposits after rain .
9 This is where the concept of social needs gains over that or legal rights , since social services are regarded as social utilities to be used by all individuals and families as necessary ( Smith , 1980 ; Wharf , 1985 ) .
10 ‘ I understand he believed the club to be badly run and the resources of the club to be used unethically , sir . ’
11 The Clean Air Act of 1963 , the namesake for the major federal incursions to follow in 1970 , expanded the research and technical assistance programme initiated in 1955 , provided limited federal powers to investigate and abate pollution emissions endangering health and welfare , instructed the US Department of Health , Education and Welfare to develop criteria on the effects of air pollution and its control ( advisory guidelines to be used or ignored by state and local government ) , and increased its research and development of devices and fuels to aid in the prevention of industrial and vehicle pollutant discharges .
12 All of the single seat 262s will have the option of a ‘ quick change ’ rear fuselage decking , allowing a second seat to be used for pilot conversion .
13 Such a system would demand a truly interactive use of computers in a way that allows the very different capabilities of the computer and the human mind to be used to the full .
14 But the gas shells to be used in the big trench mortars had displayed a nasty unreliability and troops were not unnaturally reluctant to carry them .
15 By permission of the Queen and with the consent of the Cauldon Potteries Ltd. , Sir George Hayter Chubb had painted metal replicas of the house made , with a lock and key and a slit in the roof to be used as children 's money boxes .
16 The scheme is designed for the younger ( less than 36 years old ) organic chemist , the funds to be used for the purchase of equipment , books and consumables , technical assistance , professional travel or any other activity directly related to the research being undertaken .
17 Lenders ' policy varies on what they will allow remortgage funds to be used for .
18 Meetings were accordingly held each week to discuss both the previous game and the tactics to be used in the next .
19 Although the Peace Tax Campaign has so far eschewed the use of extra-constitutional forms of dissent , confining itself for the most part to orthodox expressions of protest such as parliamentary lobbying and legal action in the courts , the failure of conventional forms of political protest to influence the prevailing defence strategy/taxation policy could have important implications regarding the future choice of tactics to be used .
20 Who was to be in in control of the tactics to be used for the operation ?
21 This will be the reason for the oddity of ( 54 ) where one such basic property is related to its noun through assignment , by contrast with the normality of ( 55 ) where it is given as one of the initial identifying properties of the subject entity ( there is obviously no difference of truth-value between the two ) : ( 54 ) ? a ladle which was heavy came down on his skull ( 55 ) a heavy ladle came down on his skull Thus , other things being equal we expect properties of such basic sorts to be used predominantly for identification by ordinary qualification .
22 Secondly , in determining the language units to be used some form of categorisation takes place so that we decide whether to call the agent Fred' , or ‘ the fat boy ’ , or ‘ Paul 's son ’ or ‘ he ’ .
23 was quite ready and anxious to permit their drawings for these cars to be used in order to ensure that the design would be at least up to their standard and no doubt both Hurst , Nelson and Brush held sets of copies of these drawings .
24 At other periods more emphasis might be placed on the political role of the coin design and this allowed a greater variety of designs to be used .
25 Auditex Espana SA has developed a Unix driver called Synergia , which enables Apple Computer Inc 's Macintosh computers to be used as viewdata servers .
26 ‘ It is permissible for the data to be used for accident prevention purposes , but the source of the information must not be divulged to anyone who is not a member of the Authority . ’
27 Whilst the clinical measurements of visual acuity and visual field yield key information for medical purposes of treatment and correction when possible , they also afford scientifically accurate data to be used as a basis for presenting learning materials that involve the use of vision .
28 Novels can also be used as a topic for study in themselves , quite apart from their value as data to be used in studies of the social worlds which they describe .
29 Data archives need to be proactive in encouraging the data to be used as well as providing a flexible and supportive service to potential users .
30 The " Guardian " is the FJC/AMD designation of the USCG aircraft to be used in promoting sales to other countries .
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