Example sentences of "[noun] to be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I became exceedingly religious and consequently anxious to know whether there was any good ground for supposing religion to be true .
2 There are numerous risks to being overweight .
3 There are only a few societies where all members hold the same characteristics to be applicable to everyone .
4 I find Morrissey 's latest ‘ racially inspired ’ songs to be uncontroversial compared to ‘ Bengali In Platforms ’ .
5 Suppose we wish to put a straight line unc through the following set of experimental points : unc Suppose further that , in view of the experimental method , we may expect errors in f to be proportional to t .
6 I consider my ears to be small — and I think you 're very rude . ’
7 Day works should be bed as they provide no incentive for a contractor to be efficient because he or she is not responsible for the efficient use of resources , the profit is guaranteed and there may be a risk of double payment .
8 However , as the contractor is free to time the work within the contract period it wold be illogical for the contractor to be able to claim the cost and time effects of an influence which might have caused further delay but did not in fact do so ; and in the situation described it is likely that the first cause rules .
9 The horse will misjudge situations , whether they be real or imagined dangers , and be too easily distracted and lacking in concentration to be reliable in competitive or pleasure riding .
10 But remember you have to wait at least 12 weeks after the possible infection for the test result to be accurate .
11 The timescale is then extended by using large felled timbers with patterns sufficiently overlapping the existing chronology to be certain of a unique match .
12 John Parry , managing director of developer Hammerson , was reported as saying : ‘ If a landlord or tenant wants a deal to be confidential , then they should be allowed to .
13 He had a great deal to be grateful for .
14 Philip had a great deal to be pleased about .
15 I hope that these very brief summaries of our business do not leave you feeling depressed after the fourth year of recession in our industry because we all have a good deal to be optimistic about .
16 What the teacher is trying to do is to guide each pupil into developing a set of mental models which have been found by experience or experiment to be useful in understanding technical processes .
17 A parallel attraction of the theory is that it seems to constrain perception to be true — to be only about things that impinge on the nervous system ; that are , in other words , ‘ really there ’ .
18 In Western Australia 's Kunanurra , where DDT is commonly used , studies showed 97 per cent of frogs to be deformed .
19 After returning from a week away I found the pond to be deep black ; the fish were visible a few inches from the surface .
20 It is not my intention to argue that villagers confused the two institutions , or that they thought magistrates and demons to be similar types of beings .
21 The name of an angel , an archangel to be sure , and therefore linked to Vauban 's motley crew , but also the name of a great Italian painter .
22 ‘ I ask our fans to be patient until the team shakes down .
23 The need for trainers to be able to bring out skills in others is paramount .
24 Our lady readers will be interested ; and , if you touch their hearts , it might dispose their husbands to be charitable .
25 Would you expect the assailant to be bloodstained ? "
26 The Inland Revenue originally wanted the machinery ring to be responsible for tax deductions for such workers .
27 In the wild , 80 per cent of juvenile ferrets die before reaching maturity , and so the scientists expected losses to be high .
28 At some stage in her sleep of exhaustion she drifted close enough to the surface of consciousness to be aware of a deep voice exclaiming over her , of strong arms that lifted and carried her , but in no way could she fight her way up from the smothering blanket of physical and mental fatigue .
29 Taylor expects Arsenal captain Tony Adams to be able to battle through the two matches , although he has confirmed that he will miss the US Cup matches which follow , like team-mate David Seaman , to undergo a summer hernia operation .
30 A world of gently impending walls and grades of French & Brigand d'Amour and Symphonie du Nouveau Monde are said by my partner Johny Adams to be excellent 7as , but there are more than a dozen others ( up to 8b ) to try .
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