Example sentences of "[noun] to [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 His nervous tension , allied to the freezing cold , combined to fill his bladder to the point where it became decidedly uncomfortable .
2 There are yet more clues in Marx 's exposition of the autonomous state in the France of Louis Napoleon to the power of bureaucracy in the post-colonial situation .
3 Presents from returning travellers or presents for your hostess are as much a sign of manners to the hareem as they are to us .
4 The standard deviation can usefully be visualized as the distance from the mean to the point of inflection of the bell-shaped curve .
5 The standard deviation can usefully be visualized as the distance from the mean to the point of inflection of the bell-shaped curve .
6 When the retired to Peebles they donated the wheel to the Museum .
7 Chain your steering wheel to the clutch , brake pedal or a seat .
8 With his other arm he wrenched the wheel to the right , forced the Audi on to the pavement and against the wall .
9 ‘ You took the Wheel to the site and set it up on the ramp ; was it left unattended at any time ? ’
10 When he judged the moment was right — that he could turn the Mercedes faster than the truck driver could alter the onward rush of his mammoth — he swung the wheel to the left , switching to the outer lane .
11 Dyson swung the wheel to the left , then swung it sharply to the right again to avoid a lorry which was overtaking him on the inside .
12 The mare shied violently , jumping with a sudden jerk to the left with such force that Lucy 's boots slid from the stirrups and she was thrown to the ground .
13 Women are disrupted in their worship by the masculinity of the religion to the point that it ceases to be for them a vehicle through which they can love God .
14 The rare reprints of Bernard Shaw 's and G.K. Chesterton 's addresses on The Future of Religion to the Cambridge Heretics Society in 1911 .
15 Whatever the personal beliefs of the worker , the meaning of religion to the client should be noted , and efforts made to facilitate whatever religious expression is helpful .
16 Lesley turned smartly left as the lights changed , and wound her way by back-streets to the parking-ground on the edge of the shopping centre , a multi-storey monstrosity of raw concrete , at which she gazed with resigned distaste as she crept slowly up to the barrier and drove in to the second tier .
17 For each of us , keeping our risks to a minimum is dependent on what we do and not how we identify ourselves .
18 They may , of course , be wrong , and will then lose money , but market research is supposed to reduce the financial risks to a minimum .
19 In addition , derelict land was , until recently , being created faster than it could be reclaimed , Although there are areas of derelict land that should be retained for some of the reasons given by John Gordon , and research sponsored by the Department of the Environment has sought to identify these for appropriate use , there are still far larger areas that , due to the many constraints of the substrates that need to be overcome , are eyesores , health hazards and potential lethal risks to the communities that have to live surrounded by them .
20 The defence doctrine pointed out the risks to the country posed by regional conflicts in the former Soviet Union .
21 Cases may be considered exceptionally grave , important or complex , in particular , because : ( i ) of complicated or conflicting evidence about risks to the child 's physical or moral well-being or about other matters relating to the child 's welfare ; ( ii ) a large number of parties are involved ; ( iii ) there is a conflict with the law of another jurisdiction ; ( iv ) there is a difficult or novel point of law involved ; ( v ) there is a question of general public interest .
22 Risks to the fetus increase slightly after 42 weeks ’ gestation but women having labour induced are more likely to have instrumental deliveries or babies with low Apgar scores .
23 If the point of inducing labour is to reduce risks to the neonate then it may be failing .
24 In particular , it is important that the reasons for continuing a difficult diet ( which includes expensive phenylalanine free protein substitute and other special food products , biochemical monitoring , and experienced dietetic advice ) are clearly understood in terms of the neurological risks to the patient .
25 Risks to the activity include damage to equipment , loss of output , resultant contractual delays and penalties .
26 Some restrictive measures require very careful consideration so that they do not cause increased health risks to the public .
27 Safety standards for future nuclear power stations should be set so that risks to the public are ten times smaller than the danger of a road accident , according to new proposals published by the Health and Safety Executive ( HSE ) , the British industrial safety regulatory body .
28 Such common risks to the interests and values they all share still give the allies plenty to fret about collectively .
29 However , once the licence to sink an exploratory well was awarded to the Hamilton Oil Company , we tried to ensure that it honoured the conditions attached to the licence , prepared an adequate oil spill contingency plan and designed an operational programme which minimised the risks to the environment .
30 All major investment projects under construction or planned would be reconsidered in the light of possible risks to the environment .
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