Example sentences of "[noun] to [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 IAN WRIGHT returned to his old hunting ground last night and with a poacher 's instinct shot Arsenal to within a point of the Premier League leadership .
2 For the first time , Norman was master of his own destiny , hitting a fine recovery from sand to within a yard of the pin , with Faldo 12 feet behind the flag .
3 The GPS system made its public debut in the recent Gulf War when it enabled allied troops to navigate at night across hundreds of miles of desert to within a few metres .
4 There is nothing within that model to imply a change in the response of consumption to as a result of a change in the Y t process : expectations in this model are not being formed in accordance with the process driving Y t , so a change in that process does not imply any change in the expectations forming process .
5 Well round near us they terrorized an eighty three year old lady er near us and er it was a , I met the man next door and his wife and they were the ones that got the police because he said they 'd got her furniture out on the pavement to with a doodah up there .
6 Once they have flowered , the plants die , first dispersing their seeds to within a metre .
7 One , charge capping which prevents authorities from putting their community charge to over a certain level and two , Lamont 's famous budget .
8 It hissed and moved its head to within a few centimetres of the android .
9 The highlight of the round was the eagle three at the 410-yard ninth , where Davies hit a wedge to within a yard of the hole .
10 This has reduced the lag between the US and the UK to around a month with the stated goal of eliminating it completely by the end of the year for both English and the primary European languages .
11 It was Stuart Evans , bringing a touch of Cardiff Arms Park to the proceedings with a pushover try in the right corner , who brought Saints to within a point at 14-15 .
12 There is also a WITHIN command for limiting the search area to within a specified number of words of another specified keyword .
13 One way to overcome this problem is to keep a neat manual log of all the files you have access to in a separate notebook which lists the following information :
14 Before raising the anchor , he had punched the rendezvous into the Loran 's computer ; now the radio navigation system gave Golden Girl 's position in relation to the rendezvous to within a hundred metres .
15 With five horizontal and vertical fan bladed thrusters , it is capable of turning completely on its axis of moving helicopter-like in any direction to within a few centimetres of where it is directed .
16 ( d ) Continue to fill the basket with soil/compost to within an inch or so of the top , and then cover with a layer of pea shingle .
17 Recently , the identification of recombinants between XLA and the flanking markers DXS442 and DXS101 resulted in the further localization of XLA to within a 2cM interval ( R. Lovering et al. , manuscript in preparation ) .
18 Large grocery multiples and the oil companies have led the way in retail modelling , and some now reckon to be able to predict new store or site performance to within a few percentage points . "
19 I have , on more than one occasion , managed to entice a badger to within a few feet , simply by scratching my head , the inquisitive animals searching for this new ‘ badger ’ grooming in the shadows .
20 In results reported last summer ( New Scientist , vol 95 , p WS ) , their data confirmed quantum mechanics to within an even higher degree of accuracy than previous experiments .
21 Victory lifted Italy to within a point of Group I leaders Switzerland and three points clear of Portugal .
22 The alternative version has the same two properties together making up a property complex that is applied to the immediately adjacent subject of the sentence ; moreover in both cases the complex as a whole is assigned syntactically to the subject E ; the sole difference is in the matter of which property is taken as " senior " to the other within the bounds of the complex , as in ( 63 ) , and in such a case this will produce an infinitesimal semantic difference : ( 63 ) However this sort of syntactic trading is only possible where the language contains suitable lexical items ; it must have an adverb and verb with the appropriate meanings ; thus , in the absence of an adverb equivalent to after a change and a verb meaning to be orange , for instance , English can not offer such an alternative for ( 64 ) : ( 64 ) in spring , their skin turns orange 5.8 The range of verbs which can occur with postverbal adjectives is in fact quite wide .
23 It 's the equivalent to in a neural network saying instead of saying the weights times the inputs all summed , we 'll take each weight times its input and multiply it with each weight times its input so we do the product of all the inputs times the weights .
24 How sad that Puddephat 's widow should have no one to turn to at a time like this .
25 By the time Jamal Hamadan , accompanied by Sami Jafaar , arrived in Cyprus to meet his old friend at the Filanta hotel , Sergeant Mikalis had been banished to police school in Germany , and his successors in the room down the hall from the ‘ hot ’ suite had been drilled by Coleman to within an inch of their lives .
26 You may be amazed that such an obvious shortcoming to a staff plan should have continued to escape my notice , but then you will agree that such is often the way with matters one has given abiding thought to over a period of time ; one is not struck by the truth until prompted quite accidentally by some external event .
27 SWEET AND TENDER HOOLIGAN Bob Mould In the '80s Bob Mould led the line in Hüsker Dü and frightened pop music to within an inch of its life .
28 somebody needs to collect somebody needs to be a contact for getting all the information to by a certain date .
29 Oh I 've just sent the fax to for a hundred pairs .
30 Excluding the cold tundra , deserts range from 50 degrees North in Central Asia to within a few degrees of the equator in South America , with the result that temperature conditions vary considerably .
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