Example sentences of "[noun] it [is] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Could you start off by telling me which pond it is we 're talking about ?
2 But there still is amo , amongst kids , some kids it 's it 's smart to smoke whether
3 Still , as we all know , size is n't really important , and with the Utopia it 's what 's in the rack that matters .
4 ‘ You have served your theme well , and to my mind it is one that both needed and deserved the service . ’
5 It 's at this point in our agenda when er the world search it 's our agenda and er in introducing the report there are just four things I want to comment about .
6 What we 're actually doing in terms of the product is we 're actually widening the franchise erm I do n't like to use words going up market that suggests that we 're leaving our core customers behind , we will we will add any product that is complimentary to our core kitchens but er we 'll still be the main stance of the product in these two stores for instance , we 're going to introduce a house wear department it is something that we 've been experimenting with before we 're going to erm use the opportunity to widen the franchise on appliances we 're going to erm use the an experiment on erm floorings to match work tops , those kind of developments just to test to see whether the customer reaction is as good as we hoped it would be so that we can then introduce it in the main chain
7 And so we 've got to desire to have our broken relationship with God restored , you see we need to receive what God offers in Christ , the fact that Christ died for our sins does not mean a thing to us until we say yes I accept it for me , I believe you died for me , I receive it , I 'm linked into it , you see your house can be , let me give you a very simple illustration , your house is linked up with er Eastern Electricity and there is so many er I du n no what , what the what it is , but there is the power there , the there are , there are kilo watts of power on tap in your home , but in the winter you 're cold , when it gets dark outside , it 's dark inside the cooker , the electric cooker does n't work , the fridge is not operating the food is going rotten , you ca n't watch a programme on television , why , because you have n't plugged into the source of the power , it 's as simple as that , you ca n't blame the Electricity Board , it 's not Eastern Electricity 's fault it 's your fault because all the plugs are out of the sockets and it does n't matter what the Electricity Board does short of blowing up your house , they can do nothing for you and it does n't matter what God has done in Christ until we as it were to also plug in , it does n't mean a thing to us , but the moment we link in , that 's the change , the lights come on , there 's , there 's heat there , the stove works , the , the radio , the television , the record player , they 're all operating , the freezer 's working , the situation has changed , we needs to receive what God offers us in Christ
8 She did n't lose , she did n't lose weight it 's something else , and erm , and eh , oh that 's why it was , so a .
9 Principally in this chapter it is his watercolours that are discussed .
10 All the gossip it is we must be hearing , or we 'll just up and away , saints guide us .
11 As soon as it 's strikes your , the bottom of your car it 's it begins to rust .
12 In fact , if anything goes wrong at Portslade Community College it 's my fault , and therefore I 'm not going to be in a position where I do n't feel able to take responsibility for any decision made .
13 An entity is a thing of interest in the organisation , in other words it is anything about which we want to hold data .
14 In other words it is his job to ensure that AIB is an effective investigating machine ready to cope with all the tasks that fall within its jurisdiction .
15 This is what we look at in terms of er target of erm the er wallets we 're going to print and that is determined , not quite sure what the measurement is for estate agent it 's something to er to do combination of the number of peop er number of mailings they 've done in the last er twelve months and also the number of houses they have on their their books .
16 Ladies and gentlemen it is my great privilege , on this auspicious occasion , to welcome you here today .
17 If it 's not cricket and Frank Woolley it 's something else .
18 ‘ Look , if you have anything against my boy , den it is my business .
19 In Major League Baseball it is one that comes with Hollywood-sized pay .
20 British TELECOM It 's you we answer
21 British TELECOM It 's you we answer
22 ‘ There 's a speed limit in this city , sir , and as an officer of the law it 's my duty to set a good example . ’
23 ‘ On the early things on Sun it 's him , and then later on , on RCA , occasionally he would play or , like you mentioned before , he would turn the guitar over and just keep time on the back of it . ’
24 Just for everybody 's benefit it is his plan to retire in July although we have had dates before that have run er over with P C Peters Erm
25 You do n't open one window it 's it sort of thing
26 If Graham has one irritating trait it is his obstinacy .
27 As a child it 's your parents or friends or teachers , and in old age it 's helpers or carers to see you through . ’
28 that 's what it boils down to , there 's no misunderstanding it 's him .
29 Er and in the South Midlands ' section , I think it is erm towards Coventry and Nuneaton , we have got erm I can even remember the name of the Guild it 's we 've got a lot of younger women in there and these are younger women that , it 's very , I 'm very pleased to see them and when you see them go to the rostrum you can , you know they really are , they seem as if they 're a revival of the old camp because we , we 've got to campaign you see and but you , you try , I mean I 'm getting beyond it really myself and yet you see , you try and whip up erm an aging movement it you , you want younger women you see .
30 Sitting here as a British judge it is my duty to tell you that this is not a country in which there is one law for the rich and another for the poor .
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