Example sentences of "[noun] in and [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Ferromet Group has made full provision in its financial statements against the investment in and amounts due from Ferromet Resources Inc and its subsidiaries .
2 But because economically , in terms of effort and expense in and profit or return out , it would not be sensible , we grow them where it is cheapest to do so .
3 A large proportion of small claims arise from errors and ambiguities in and omissions from contract documents .
4 But these considerations , which are no fault of the present author 's , should not be allowed to diminish pleasure in and admiration for the parts of her book under review that have to do with the history of ideas .
5 Yet Punk was betrayed by its libertarian roots : despite the rhetoric and the packaging , the Sex Pistols were utopian , and their obvious pleasure in and mastery of the pop form inspired countless others to take up instruments and make meaning through music .
6 ‘ Masterworks Portrait ’ has equally fine artists of a slightly older generation in beautifully presented performances that are classics of their time — Mitropoulos in and podium stalwarts such as Ormandy , Walter and Szell .
7 Taking the current level of borrowings and forecasting future receipts of cash in and payments of cash out by salaries , bought ledger payments , tax payments and so on .
8 Establish their confidence in and respect for himself ( the member ) and his qualification .
9 The ensuing provision of curriculum and transition strategies by these schools has brought confidence in and quality to the educational provision within the statutory age range .
10 ( 3 ) That the fact that the competent minister of a member state had a power to dispense with the nationality requirement for an individual on the ground of his length of residence in and involvement in the fishing industry of that state could not justify , in regard to Community law , a rule under which registration of a fishing vessel was subject to a nationality requirement or a requirement as to residence and domicile ( post , pp. 341H — 342A , 343D–E ) .
11 Now , therefore , and unlike the earlier period , only men were the full participants in and officiants of the nation 's religious life .
12 The record in and headphone sockets are both stereo mini jacks , but the line out and instrument input are both the full size mono equivalent .
13 But it is certainly not the only locale nor the only company in which competence in and knowledge of the social world is acquired .
14 1.13 Our fundamental assumption is that all pupils are entitled to an education that will provide the opportunity for them to develop to the best of their abilities a competence in and appreciation of English .
15 In short , high-technology managers recognize quite explicitly that they depend upon their people and their people 's ‘ local knowledge ’ — their detailed expertise in and familiarity with technology , markets , production realities , and all the myriad details of how to understand what is happening , and how to actually implement any plan ( Baba , 1988 ; Geertz , 1983 ) .
16 Press Tab to move to the next level in and Shift-Tab to move back out again ( or you can drag using the mouse ) .
17 A closed loop that someone can catch their foot in and trip is one of the most frequent causes of industrial accidents .
18 Each cella had a corniced roof supported by one or two centrally placed columns , symbolizing the deity 's presence in and dominion over that realm .
19 Contrary to the finding in other types of inflammatory colitis or proctitis , the rectal mucosa in gluten sensitivity lacks any predominance of neutrophils when assessed by either histological staining or monoclonal antibody recognition ( CD15 ) , indicating that the epitheliotropic T cell responses are probably caused by residues of specific antigen present within luminal colonic contents , and hence dependent on the circulatory presence in and recruitment of gluten sensitive T cells to the rectal mucosa .
20 I never before worked with such complete belief in and admiration for any man or any government and one 's faith in democracy is apt to be shattered when one sees a man like S.B. defeated by falsehood and misrepresentation .
21 Pursuant to Resolution 43/212 [ see p. 36778 ] and earlier resolutions , the Assembly adopted Resolution 44/226 on the " traffic in and disposal , control and transboundary movements of toxic and dangerous products and waste " .
22 The first attempt was in winter , precisely at that dark , depressing period when the sun can barely be bothered rising for more than 20 minutes before it packs in and hands over to nightfall .
23 A Crystal premier villa-with-pool and ferry 14-night package to the south of France , insurance in and discount applied would add up to £1032 .
24 Carriker ( 1981 ) observed that the curious position of the accessory boring organ on top of the ventral pedal gland in and purpura Thais ( and in a similar genus , Rapana ) suggests a close affinity between these taxa .
25 Directors ' interests in and options over securities of the Company are set out on page 54 .
26 Whereas previous schemes , such as that of Dewey , presented an enumerated list of subjects in hierarchical layout with appended notation ( e.g. decimal numbers ) to express the system in practice , the Colon Classification distinguishes a range of " facets " in each major subject area , which the classifier combines ( like a set of parts ) to form an extended symbol which both expresses the specific subject and its relationships and also allows for its easy insertion in and retrieval from a store sequence ( e.g. a shelf ) .
27 Additional features assisting research include a departmental publication series ( printed in the very well-equipped Reprographics Section ) , an extensive publication record of books and articles , vigorous participation in and organisation of national and international conferences , helped by numerous overseas contacts and scientific exchanges .
28 The decisive role in the black youth 's continued enthusiasm for , participation in and commitment to sport is played by others of similar inclination .
29 Of course , the tutor-organisers of this ( as of any ) period were well aware that in trying to serve the voluntary movement they were walking a tightrope between doing too much , so depriving branch members of their rightful participation in and control of affairs , and doing too little , so appearing idle and inefficient .
30 If Soviet women choose to ignore men 's dinner-time conversation it is not necessarily because they lack education : it may be that these women too have difficulty getting a word in and risk being verbally assaulted by men 's sexism .
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