Example sentences of "[noun] and only [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The authorities were more worried about this group than about the NL and only one document about it his so far been released , despite the fact that it was successfully infiltrated by several agents .
2 It was by the celebrated Matthew Buchinger , born in Germany without legs and only short stumps of arms without hands .
3 Once again the ground has ruined what promised to be a good contest and only four of the 15 entries go to post .
4 Once again the ground has ruined what promised to be a good contest and only four of the 15 entries go to post .
5 Challenge headed north towards the fishing vessels off Burwick Holm , which were illuminating the island with their searchlights , in heavy and near-continuous rain squalls and only one-mile visibility .
6 Of more senior rank are the legionary centurions recorded as centuriones regionarii ; they probably had wider responsibilities with oversight over whole districts and only four are known in Britain .
7 Furthermore the line has several times been proposed for closure and only strenuous efforts by local politicians and the Heart of Wales Line Travellers ' Association ( HOWLTA ) have kept it open - indeed it is a minor miracle that it survived the Beeching closures .
8 Only one league defeat and only seven goals conceded by a mean defence gave Ipswich the crown .
9 Sixty five ( 89% ) had a normal haemoglobin concentration and only 15 were still taking oral iron .
10 As we have seen , by 1981 there were 198,000 students in all in the polytechnics , but by then over two-thirds , or 133,000 , were full-time or sandwich and only 65,000 part-time .
11 A coalition of three opposition parties , made up of the Mongolian Democratic Party ( MDP ) , the Mongolian Party of National Progress ( MPNP ) and the Mongolian United Party ( MUP ) , received 17.5 per cent of the vote and only four seats .
12 The serological follow-up of other groups of patients exposed to HIV-infected HCWs is also low — for instance , only 75 of 1804 patients in one US study and only 76 of 339 from a UK study .
13 Approximately 58 per cent of manual workers were employed in West Ham , compared with 74 per cent in local shops and only 33 per cent in clerical jobs .
14 All those boarded-up shops and only old people about , dreaming on doorsteps or creeping along in the sun .
15 There are 2,300 harmless species of snakes and only 400 poisonous ones , but few people take the trouble to find out which is which .
16 In Cornwall the situation was reversed , with half having at least £20 and only five less than £10 ; similarly only two of the small Worcestershire sample had less than £10 .
17 This has no great significance at the present moment when both Departments are housed within the Register House complex and only small inconvenience and delay result .
18 ( ii ) A high mortality of overwintered L3 on the pasture occurs in spring and only negligible numbers can usually be detected by June .
19 Sales figures around Christmas and New Year are very prone to changes in seasonal patterns , and total sales in the last three months together were less than 0.25 per cent higher than in the previous three months and only 1.4 per cent higher than in the corresponding three months a year ago .
20 In 1988 the Consumers ' Association found that only 25 per cent of parents had attended a parent-teacher association meeting in the past twelve months and only 9 per cent had attended a school governors ' annual meeting .
21 Nearly three-quarters of the boys who were apprenticed to cutlers in and around Sheffield between 1650 and 1724 came from within a 15-mile radius of their new homes and only 4 per cent migrated more than 40 miles .
22 It is 137 cm wide , £16.95 per m and only available in the colourway shown here
23 Green argued that if the principle were extended to all eight counties the RAC would be controlled by the LEAs with a mere three members representing the WEA and only three representing the Cambridge Board with Hickson and Pateman as the committee 's servicing officers .
24 Ms Angie Wilde , of Swithland , said women had proved effective in the showroom and only two of its 65 sales staff were male .
25 Said later that he s an exceptional talent and only bad luck stopped him scoring , and to keep plugging away .
26 Consideration was given to living there , but the thought of sixty bedrooms and only one bathroom was too much Legend has it that the place was once so deprived of modern conveniences that drinking water would sometimes be collected by a footman with a silver pitcher from a stream flowing in front of the main door which originally served as a moat .
27 Of the total island population , eighty-six per cent live on the south side and only fourteen per cent on the north .
28 But she remained disturbed , acutely aware of him at her side and only grateful that he despised her too much to allow himself to be seen touching her in public .
29 Directly opposite the beach , surrounded by a mixture of bars and restaurants and only five minutes walk from the nightlife of Rhodes Town , the Club Exclusive Four Seasons hotel boasts a perfect location .
30 The number of teachers employed in state secondary schools was such that while women constituted 45 per cent of the teaching force ? they only held 15 per cent of the headships and only 0.7 per cent of women were heads .
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